Page 37 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2017 publication
P. 37

Winter 2017 European Energy Innovation  37

                                             ICT ENERGY EFFICIENCY

overarching categories, one of which      as well as economies of scale. The      and initiatives, especially between
is environmental sustainability. Under    ITU Study Group on IoT, smart           the ICT sector and the energy sector,
this indicator, the cities are measuring  cities and communities develops         and between public and private
air quality, CO2 emissions, energy use,   international standards to ensure       entities, will be essential to enhance
and indoor pollution. Recently, ITU       this, and encourages the coordinated    energy efficiency and make the Paris
published a case study on Singapore’s     development of IoT technologies.        agreement targets a reality.
efforts to apply smart city innovations,
providing a valuable reference point to   PARTNERSHIPS FOR SUCCESS                Only by collaborating together, pooling
other cities pursuing greater efficiency  Since 2007, ITU has been committed      resources, avoiding duplication of
and sustainability.                       to increasing awareness of the          effort, and concentrating on our core
                                          potential of ICTs, promoting            competencies will we harness the
ITU standards have an important           innovation, and establishing standards  power of ICTs to reduce global CO2
role to play. Standards are essential     to ensure that ICTs maximize energy     emissions, and thus help to minimize
for the interoperability of city          efficiency.                             the negative impact of climate change
systems, and to achieve consistent                                                for billions of people, leading to a
levels of performance and quality,        New and innovative partnerships         better and more secure future for all. l
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