Page 13 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
P. 13

Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation          13

                                                       ENERGY POVERTY




citizens are empowered to participate    cooperate with the Committee of the    prosumer communities promoting
economically and politically in          Regions, the European Commission's     energy saving).
the energy transition. Based on          DG REGIO, and other organisations
the rich, hands-on experience of         from civil society, such as Energy     By assisting individual project work
EESC members, the Committee              Cities and Rescoop.                    and cooperating with these bodies,
has argued that the rapid decline                                               the EESC and its members learn
of costs for renewables and the          In addition, the EESC aims at          about what has worked and what not
potential of digitalisation and – in     facilitating information exchange on   and share this knowledge through its
the future – artificial intelligence     best practices between civil society   networks into the 27 Member States.
offer an opportunity to develop a        and EU institutions. Often unnoticed
decentralised energy system, in          by civil society organisations across  Through such and other efforts,
which citizens, households, energy       the Member States, EU institutions     the Committee pursues its vision
communities and cooperatives can         finance and undertake highly           of an inclusive and sustainable
assume a central role in supplying       relevant projects and studies that     energy future for Europe. The
energy.                                  can provide important lessons and      EESC emphasises that even in the
                                         practical tools for resolving the      light of the increasing urgency of
Case studies from across Europe          challenge of energy poverty across     decarbonising Europe's economies
examined by EESC members have            Europe. Beyond the EPOV with its       and energy systems, no-one should
demonstrated a strong interest by civil  substantial knowledge resources,       be left behind in this process. It
society in becoming actively involved    agencies such as the European          welcomes the EU's efforts – via the
in the energy transition. However,       Agency for SMEs have funded            EPOV, the coal regions in transition
often local and regional governments     projects in which, for instance, more  platform, its support for prosumers
must play a central role in ensuring     inclusive financing mechanisms of a    and energy communities in the
that this involvement is inclusive and   switch to renewables are developed     "Clean Energy for All Europeans"
energy poor households are enabled       (e.g. collective purchasing groups,    proposals – to address some of
to fully participate – via public        consumer stock ownership plans),       the social challenges of the energy
financing, simplified administrative     effective awareness and advisory       transition. The EESC uses its very
procedures, awareness campaigns,         services designed (e.g. energy         own resources, the passion, ideas,
and training. In order to make the       advisors and ambassadors with          expertise, networks and tools of
energy transition work for the more      first-hand knowledge of energy         civil society, to raise awareness and
vulnerable European households           poverty), and existing community       provide solutions to the economic
in communities, cities, and regions,     infrastructures assume new roles       and social challenges associated with
the Committee seeks to closely           in reducing energy bills (e.g. energy  the transition. l
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