Page 18 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
P. 18

18  Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation


Innovative Six-Layer Glass
Facade System

It is a rare thing in the construction sector when something truly innovative comes along, but
the development of Q-Air marks the arrival of a real game-changer and something that sets the
standard for energy efficiency and helps move the industry closer to a cost-effective and human-
friendly, nearly zero-energy building.

Glass facade for sustainable             Perfect solution for nZEB, no need                                            where thermal transmittance is only
architecture and living – Horizon        for external sun shades                                                       Ucw ≥ 0,30 W/m2K.
2020                                     Q-Air is a unique, multi-chamber
Q-Air represents one of the leading      insulating glass facade system,                                               Constant indoor temperature - no
European innovations, which is           requiring no exterior sun shadings.                                           cold draught, no excessive solar
underlined by being selected             Up to six layers of glass create an                                           heat gain
and supported by Horizon 2020            innovative insulating core, which is                                          Q-Air provides constant interior
programme, a Fast Track to               available in transparent, translucent                                         thermal comfort by keeping the
Innovation Pilot scheme. The Q-Air       and opaque options to allow Q-Air                                             temperature at a stable level at
project is being implemented by five     to deliver unparalleled energy                                                all times, personal well-being and
international consortium partners        savings. Q-Air is a perfect solution                                          productivity of occupants are
Trimo d.o.o. and ZAG – Slovenian         for nearly zero-energy buildings                                              improved. Using Q-Air, seasonal
national building and civil engineering  (nZEB) delivering outstanding thermal                                         climate peaks for highly glazed
institute from Slovenia, Kohlbecker      insulation of complete curtain                                                buildings are perfectly managed:
Gesamtplan from Germany, Cantori         wall system. Specifically, the fully
s.r.l. from Italy and Skandinaviska      transparent glazed façade offers an                                           • Winter: Due to high thermal
Glassystem from Sweden.                  extreme level of thermal insulation,                                              insulation level (low U value),

25Energy need for HEATING (kWh/m2a)                                                                                    400 372                        134
20                                                                                  Energy need for COOLING (kWh/m2a)  350

         14.6                                                                                                          300
10                                                                                                                     250 222
                                                                                                                       200 195


5                             2.8                                                                                      100 65 75
                2.0                   0.1 0.0                                                                           50

                         0.0      Q-AIR                                                                                0                       Q-AIR
0                                                                                                                              Triple glazing

        Triple glazing

    n Oslo n Munich n Madrid                                                                                           n Oslo n Munich n Madrid

Comparison of energy need for heating (left) and cooling (right) for office building with façade with 100% of
transparent surface with view to the outside both day and night (without shading)

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