Page 16 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
P. 16
16 Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation
Social innovation in energy,
implications for Smart
By Javier Gómez Prieto (pictured)*, Scientific Officer Smart Specialisation, Joint Research Centre,
European Commission
use of assets and resources, (2) Social element, referring to
As part of the EU Cohesion therefore playing a key role in Smart measures addressing energy
Policy, Smart Specialisation Specialisation dynamics. In this spirit, justice and energy poverty. Energy
is a place-based approach the study: "Smart Specialisation poverty is affecting people and to
useful to identify the
innovation potential of EU regions and social innovation: from policy date several million households in
and stimulate their competitive relations to opportunities and the European Union are struggling
advantage. The application of Smart challenges" has been elaborated to secure adequate heating, pay
Specialisation takes place through aiming at analysing current their utility bills on time and live
a policy process which allows the tendencies of social innovation in homes not plagued by humidity
design and implementation of and their relation with Smart and mould. This situation can be
the regional innovation strategies Specialisation. more or less accentuated depending
(also known as RIS3)1. This process on geographical location or social
is carried out by following key The study focuses on social status, resulting in different levels of
principles such as: (i) selection of innovation tendencies in the domain access to options in energy provision
strategic priorities for investment, (ii) of energy as two thirds of Member services and state-of-the-art
inclusive participative process with States and regions have designed technology.
the participation of local authorities, a Smart Specialisation Strategy
academia, business spheres and including energy-related priorities. (3) Funding element, referring to
civil society organisations and (iii) innovative financing schemes for
embrace a broad view of innovation, Key findings energy involving citizen investment.
including social innovation. Based on the analysis of six This category can further differentiate
cases in different Member States into sub-categories such as: (a)
Social Innovation, generally and interviews with experts, a shareholding participation in energy
understood as new solutions categorisation of social innovation cooperatives; (b) crowdfunding
that simultaneously meet social trends has been carried out. These initiatives, notably in the sectors
needs, can contribute to a better categories address the following of renewable energy and energy
elements: efficiency; (c) citizens financing
renewable power stations; (d)
(1) Organisational element, referring allocation of public resources via
to how social innovation in energy is vouchers or grants and (e) donations,
structured. This category is related i.e. citizens voluntarily providing
to consumer/producer associations financial support to an energy action
and cooperatives for renewable without expecting any return.
energies. Countries in Western
Europe have dominated the trend, (4) Educational element, referring to
including Belgium, Germany, and raising awareness and contributing
Denmark. A significant share of to increasing the acceptance of
these cooperatives are organised renewable energy and energy
in well-structured networks that efficiency measures and projects.
bring together citizens towards This mode of social innovation can
joint ownership and participation in explore synergies with cultural and
renewable energy or energy efficiency entertainment activities addressing
projects. general messages such as the fight