Page 19 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
P. 19

Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation  19


    energy loss in winter is low and      office building model was created           0.36 W/m2K and sound reduction
    low solar heat gain (low g value) is  and calculated in BIM environment.          of 45 decibels (Rw).
    sufficient. That’s why less energy    The results are very promising for
    for heating is consumed.              the current and future built and        • The occupants of the building
                                          environment and were presented              are very pleased with the interior
• Summer: Due to low solar heat           by ZAG and Trimo at Advanced                comfort. A person can stand by
    gain (low g value), no excessive      Building Skins conference in Bern.          the glass wall in the restaurant
    solar heat gain appears and less      In case of using Q-Air glass façade         on the ground floor with an
    energy for air conditioning is        system (six-layers of glass) instead        outside temperature of minus 15
    consumed.                             of conventional triple glazing (three       degrees Celsius without feeling
                                          layers of glass), the reduction of          any cold draught at the glazing.
Maximised natural daylight                energy need for heating is in the           Furthermore, in summer, the low
Q-Air maximises natural daylight and      range of 81% to 98% (based on               solar gain coefficient (g) of 0.25
helps create a visually stimulating       calculations for three locations –          prevents the overheating of the
and productive environment for            Oslo, Munich, Madrid). More accurate,       inside of the building.
building occupants. Due to superior       energy need for heating is up to
thermal insulation level, low solar       2,8 kWh/m2a in Oslo and up to           • The refurbishment resulted in
heat gain and world class engineered      0,1 kWh/m2a in Munich. Also, energy         significant annual energy savings.
system using no external sun shades,      need for cooling is lower.                  During the renovation, the building
Q-Air enables large areas of the                                                      was fully in operation and the
facade to be transparent therefore        Case Study: Office building                 architecture of the building dating
allowing the building interior to be      refurbishment in Oslo, Norway               back to 1960’s is completely
naturally illuminated during the day      The installation of the Q-Air glass         preserved.
and views to the outside both day         façade on a multi-storey building
and night.                                Wergelandsveien 7 listed as a           A new generation of glass facades
                                          protected monument in the centre        The Q-Air innovative glass façade
Energy use for heating lower than         of Oslo in Norway is an important       really is a next generation building
5 kWh/m2a                                 accomplishment.                         product and one that looks set
As a result of the research work in                                               to define how sustainable glazed
the field of multiparametric analysis     • The installed Q-Air glass elements    buildings can be constructed now
of daylight and thermal performance           have Ug value of 0.24 W/m2K, while  and in the future. l
within the Q-Air H2020 project an             the system has a Ucw value of
                                                                                   For further information please contact:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant                
agreement No 737757.                                                      
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