Page 20 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
P. 20

20  Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation


Indoor Environmental Quality:
towards healthier buildings for
the occupants

By Roberta D’Angiolella (Buildings Performance Institute Europe, BPIE)

We spend most of                             and related to people’s health,            concentration, and at high levels
                     our life in buildings:  comfort and ability to work.               even cause hearing damage.
                     homes, schools,
                     offices, bars and       • Thermal comfort, strongly linked         These elements play a key role in in
more, amounting to 90% of our time               to environmental factors such as       our everyday lives: buildings should
being indoors, impacting our health,             air temperature and humidity as        therefore be designed to ensure
productivity and well-being. If this             well as to personal factors (clothing  a good IEQ if they are to be at the
number is coupled with the fact                  insulation, metabolic heat). When      service of their occupants.
that air quality is one of the major             building occupants feel too warm,
environmental health concerns for                it can cause a feeling of tiredness,   THE ROLE OF BUILDING
Europe and the high number of                    when they feel too cold, they can be   OCCUPANTS IN IEQ
deaths caused by indoor air                      restless and distracted, resulting in  Many times, however, people complain
pollution in particular, it is easy              productivity losses and discomfort.    about high-performing buildings
to conclude that the way we feel                                                        where everything is supposed to work
while being indoor is of paramount           • Lighting combined with daylight,         well in an automatic way, without
importance.                                      necessary to perform various           possibility for the building occupant
                                                 visual activities efficiently and      to intervene, and in reality, it does not.
THE ELEMENTS OF INDOOR                           accurately, and with a significant     This is where, to build future-proof and
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY                            positive impact on the overall         well-functioning buildings, subjective
But what is considered when                      health and sleep quality of office     evaluations become as important
evaluating our comfort and well-                 workers.                               as calculations and measurements.
being indoor? The answer is                                                             As happiness and health are directly
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ),          • Acoustic comfort, the capacity           proportionated to the level of comfort
consisting of four key elements:                 to protect building occupants          offered by the buildings we live /
                                                 from ‘unwanted sound’ which can        work / study in, building occupants’
• Indoor air quality, referring to the           prevent speech communication,          surveys on the acceptance and
    quality of the air inside buildings          disturb activities and                 general perception of IEQ are a crucial

         We spend most of our life in buildings:
homes, schools, offices, bars and more,
amounting to 90% of our time being indoors,
impacting our health, productivity and

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