Page 44 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
P. 44

44  Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation


Getting to 1.5 degrees

Tackling one-third of global carbon emissions through heating and cooling
By Lily Riahi (pictured below), Lead of District Energy in Cities Initiative, UN Environment*

                                          This means we can’t accomplish          collector field area by 800,000 m2 by
                                          the energy transition and be on         2020 (IKZ, 2017).
                                          the path for 1.5 degrees to avoid
                                          the most catastrophic impacts of        Cities are harnessing modern district
                                          climate change, unless we act now       energy to meet their energy efficiency,
                                          to change how we heat and cool our      zero energy building and renewable
                                          buildings. And that’s nothing short     energy objectives. Paris historically
                                          of a revolution – one that is urgently  used district energy to reduce coal
                                          needed, given the ticking clock the     consumption and today is expanding
                                          latest IPCC report has stated. In       and modernizing the network to
                                          planning and infrastructure terms,      connect social housing, improve
                                          2050 is the day after tomorrow          energy efficiency and increase the
                                          and everything must change, so we       renewables share, powering 50%
                                          cannot go fast enough.                  of the network with renewable and
                                                                                  recovered energy. From now and
                                          But the biggest opportunities for       into the future, district energy will
                                          change often come by tackling the       play an important role in carbon
                                          biggest problems. This is where our     reduction commitments, helping
                                          work, focused on district energy,       Paris meet its 25% reduction
                                          comes in.                               commitment by 2020.

Heating and Cooling – the                 One Giant Leap: District Energy         Imagine the energy and carbon
Opportunity                               District Energy. It’s pipes and water   emissions we could save if we
Heating and cooling is vital to human     and when done properly, it’s an         accelerate the transfer and
existence. We don’t need these            elegant solution to bring local energy  replication of these experiences in
systems for comfort only. They are        resources to our buildings – to         cities and countries worldwide.
often a question of survival: regulating  heat and cool as few as a dozen in
temperatures in extreme weather           a district or an entire city. Modern    That is why at UN Environment, we
conditions and keeping our vaccines,      district energy systems connect         launched the District Energy in Cities
medicines and food viable for long        renewables, waste heat, thermal         Initiative, to take exactly these kinds
periods.                                  storage, power and thermal grids and    of successes and spreading them
                                          heat pumps.                             elsewhere.
But we face a problem. In Europe and
globally, half the energy consumed        These hidden technologies are a big     Fast-Tracking Cities and Bringing
is for heating and cooling, mostly for    deal for climate change mitigation      Impact to Scale
buildings and industry. Almost all this   goals – modern district energy can      When you consider that the average
demand is met by fossil fuels. In 2015,   reduce primary energy consumption       connection to district energy is 12% in
renewable energy accounted for only       for heating and cooling by up to 50%.   Europe and under 7% globally, we can
10.3% of heating.                                                                 see big potential for growth.
                                          Many countries in Europe are already
                                          on the fast track to achieve their      The Initiative is taking advantage of
                                          climate targets, just by implementing   this potential.
                                          modern district energy technologies.
                                          District energy knocked 20% off CO2     Launched in 2014, the District Energy
                                          emissions in Denmark. Germany           in Cities Initiative started with a few
                                          is using district heating systems       interested cities and committed
                                          to expand solar thermal systems         partners like Danfoss, ENGIE, and the

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