Page 46 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
P. 46

46  Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation


InDeal project

Innovative technology for district heating and cooling

By Dr Serafeim Moustakidis and Prof Nicos Karcanias

Challenged by climate change and
coupled with the need to secure
sustainable economic growth and
social cohesion, Europe must achieve
a genuine energy revolution to reverse
present-day unsustainable trends
and live up to the ambitious policy
expectations. A rational, consistent
and far-sighted approach to heating
and cooling is key for ensuring such
transformation. Toward this direction,
district heating and cooling systems
need to be more efficient, intelligent
and cheaper.

The InDeal project (Innovative          network monitoring and control,           • developing energy harvesting
technology for district heating and     energy prediction) that relate to a           solutions to enable future
cooling) is a project funded by the     cluster of industries in many sectors         deployment of autonomous
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme        (district heating and cooling,                sensors and
(topic: H2020-EE-2015-2-RIA) of         software, energy efficiency, intelligent
the European Union under grant          meters, etc.).                            • minimizing heat losses via
agreement No. 696174. The InDeal                                                      novel pipe design solutions and
project team is comprised by leading    InDeal project will offer an innovative       innovative insulation materials
organizations in their respective       platform that will impose a fairly
fields from across the European         distribution of heating and cooling       The target of InDeal is to turn
Union. The project is coordinated       among the network’s substations by:       the current district heating and
by City University of London and                                                  cooling networks into a new next-
the consortium consists of 11           • real–time energy consumption            level automated networks that will
organizations from eight EU member          data gathering via artificial         guarantee increase of the overall
states: NAITEC (Spain), Centre for          intelligent meters                    energy efficiency accomplishing a
Research and Technology Hellas,                                                   fairly distribution of heating and
the French Alternative Energies and     • identifying and evaluating the          cooling energy demands. InDeal
Atomic Energy Commission (CEA),             network’s need and demand for         will make a significant step forward
IZNAB Sp. z o.o. (Poland), Center for       heating and cooling depending         contributing to wider use of intelligent
Technology Research and Innovation          to energy efficiency, energy          district heating and cooling systems
(Cyprus), Net Technologies Finland,         consumption and type of building      and smart integration of renewables,
PROMAR Ltd. (Poland), Energetika                                                  waste and storage. l
Projekt d.o.o. (Slovenia), Syndicat     • predicting the short-term weather
national du chauffage urbain et de          conditions and forthcoming need        Contact information
la climatisation urbaine (France) and       for heating and cooling
SERM Société d'Équipement de la                                                     Professor Nicos Karcanias
Region Montpelliéraine (France).        • monitoring the level of energy            Professor Emeritus in Systems
                                            stored in network’s storage             and Control Engineering
The project brings together a number        stations and substations                City University, Northampton
of organisations from varying areas                                                 Square, London, EC1V 0HB,
such as control and machine learning    • 24/7 monitoring and control of the        United Kingdom
experts, software developers,               district heating and cooling system     Email:
experts in system integration and           by a central control platform
district heating and cooling services
providers, to solve a number of
technological challenges (i.e.
distribution of heating and cooling,

                                            This project has received funding from the European Union’s
                                            Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
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