Page 45 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
P. 45

Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation                          45

                                                        DISTRICT HEATING

European Bank of Reconstruction            Public-Private Partnerships to           into an agreed financing plan and
and Development. Within four years,        Accelerate Investment                    new business model and leading
we have tripled our partners, while        The majority of new district energy      the project to market with a US$9.8
increasing the number of pilot             investment involves the private          million investment loan from the
cities committed to implement              sector. That is because district energy  EBRD.
district energy six-fold with the          is good for planet and pocket, like
accompanying amount of investment          many energy efficiency investments.      The retrofits increased the share
and carbon emissions reductions.                                                    of renewables by 75%, slashed CO2
                                           On average, district energy projects     emissions by 91%, improved air
And more is coming.                        make returns from 12 to 20%, break-      quality, and saved US$1 million a year
                                           even in 2 to 8 years, providing steady   in reduced fuel use. The utility has
When we started our work in                annual revenues over the long term.      gone from a negative balance sheet
countries like India and Chile, for                                                 to making US$1.5 million in annual
example, district energy was not on        But to really take advantage, we need    revenues.
the political agenda.                      to address upstream barriers and
                                           make it easier for the private sector    As you can imagine, the utility is
Today India has included district          to invest.                               happy, the city is happy, and so are
energy under its National Cooling                                                   the taxpayers.
Action Plan to phase down hydro-           The Initiative’s model encourages
fluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants. We        investment by partnering early in        To sum up, acting on heating and
are working with the city of Thane/        market development to prepare            cooling through modern district
Mumbai, among several others in India,     financially sound projects. In Banja     energy can take an enormous
to determine a tendering strategy for      Luka, this approach unlocked US$22       bite out of climate change, bring
two district cooling projects, along       million in project finance to upgrade    other benefits across sustainable
with a 20-year city wide plan of district  the city’s 35-year old network.          development, and support healthy
cooling action plan.                                                                and green bottom lines – but it can
                                           The Initiative worked alongside the      only be done through partnership.
Looking to scale, we are designing         European Bank for Reconstruction
a national programme together              and Development (EBRD) from the          Europe’s capacity to lead the energy
with Energy Efficiency Services            outset to ensure that plans and          transition through innovation and
Limited, the largest publicly-owned        assessments conform to finance           leadership is vast and the call to
ESCO in India, including a US$200          providers’ requirements. The Initiative  accelerate the energy efficiency
million revolving fund to leverage         also worked with the CTCN, private       revolution is clear – we hope you join
investments in district cooling worth      sector, local stakeholders, and the      us in this urgent mission.
US$2.8 billion.                            city authority to build consensus and
                                           trust on planned interventions.          *District Energy in Cities Initiative,
Chile, meanwhile, is prioritizes district                                           a global network of 46 partners
heating under its 2018 Presidential        Engaging relevant and diverse            accomplishing energy efficiency
Plan and its National Air Quality Plan.    stakeholders from the beginning          projects in 36 cities across 14
Ten Chilean cities have prepared           proved vital in turning uncertainty on   countries, housed in UN Environment,
district energy project assessments        the district heating network’s future    Paris office. l
and the Ministry of Energy recently
created a specialized district energy
unit dedicated to support this project
pipeline to investment, employing
Initiative tools and methodologies.

We achieve such scale by                   For further information please contact:
understanding that demonstration
projects shift markets, creating a         Sophie Loran, Communications Officer, Energy & Climate Branch,
replicable approach. The Initiative        United Nations Environment Programme
works with cities until we get to a        E-mail:, Tel: +33144374283
tipping point that can drive national
policy change. Then we set up a
national delivery unit to support roll-
out nationwide.
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