Page 15 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
P. 15
Autumn 2014 European Energy Innovation 15


Gas: still a secure, flexible and
clean option

By Margot Loudon, Deputy Secretary General, Eurogas

Recent developments in Reducing import dependency, resilient market, underpinned
relations between Russia ignoring the potential of the by a physical, commercial,
and Ukraine have led global market, will not necessarily and regulatory infrastructure
to a renewed debate bring increased security of that allows more gas to flow
on Europe’s energy security. supply. seamlessly over more borders, is
Therefore it is timely to review a prerequisite for further progress.
how the gas sector plays such In a critical few days for gas Investments are needed, and
an important part in securing supplies in January 2009 the therefore it is necessary for policy
Europe’s energy needs and gas industry showed that it was makers to give clear signals about
delivering reliable services to able to provide an effective, the important role of gas in the
more than 250 million Europeans. cost-efficient response by energy mix, to give confidence to
rerouting gas supplies and future investors.
Security of supply is a core using commercial storage and
objective of the gas business, other market responses. The
and the gas market can deal system, however, was tested,
with supply disruptions over and lessons were learned
a significant period. Eurogas leading to construction of more
considers that security of supply pipelines, more possibilities
is fundamentally linked with for sending gas in directions
the development of a strong different from prevailing flows,
European market. This will help and other measures to enhance
ensure that Europe continues the responsive flexibility of the
to attract gas supplies, in an system in the event of disruptions.
increasingly international market. The revision of EU legislation on
Europe has a wide choice of gas supply security (Regulation
supplies from neighbouring parts 994/2010) strengthened supply
of the globe and further afield. security requirements and
These arrive in Europe by diverse mechanisms to improve co-
routes, through pipelines and operation if problems arise.
in tankers. Energy companies
in Europe have broad business Eurogas considers that further
interests and global reach and improvements are needed to
large and increasingly flexible deliver a well-functioning market
supply portfolios are aimed essential to security of supply at
at security. Eurogas does not European level. To date results
think that energy independence throughout the European Union
should be a goal in itself. are uneven. A more robust, more
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