Page 13 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
P. 13
Autumn 2014 European Energy Innovation 13
inland waterway vessels. Natural as an alternative fuel for medium Mediterranean, Atlantic Ocean
gas offers today a technology with and long distance road transport. and Black Sea areas. If Costa’s
performances equivalent to petrol The core of the project is the policy recommendations are
or diesel units and with very deployment and demonstration implemented, it is expected that
clean exhaust emissions. Natural of four LNG Blue Corridors. This CO2 emissions from shipping
gas use in buses and trucks can will include building 14 new LNG could drop by 25% in 2020 and
substitute diesel fuel. stations and building up a fleet by 50% in 2050. Considering air
of about 100 LNG Heavy Duty pollutants, the use of LNG would
Natural gas – both as CNG Vehicles which will operate along eliminate SOx and reduce NOx
and as LNG – figures among the corridors. The project will by 90%.
the alternative fuels for which run for 4 years and will connect
the Directive mandates the over 12 Member States and align CONCLUSION
deployment of infrastructure. itself with existing demonstrations The Directive on the deployment
running at national level. of alternative fuels infrastructure
LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS shows the political will at the
(LNG) LNG is an attractive fuel European Commission, the
For heavy duty vehicles LNG, alternative for vessels to meet the European Parliament and EU
including liquefied bio-methane, requirements for decreasing the Member States to go forward
can offer a cost-efficient sulphur content in marine fuels with reducing our dependence
technology to meet the stringent in the Sulphur Emission Control on oil for transport, whilst at
pollutant emission limits of Euro Areas, affecting half of the ships the same time making our
VI standards. The TEN-T Core sailing in European Short Sea transport greener and more
Network should be the basis Shipping. LNG is therefore an sustainable. The measures that
for the deployment of LNG important element in the effort we are taking create a favourable
infrastructure as it covers the to comply with sulphur emission regulatory framework to provide
main traffic flows. Member States reduction legislation: 0.1% in manufacturers, investors and
should ensure that refuelling Sulphur Emission Control Areas consumers with the necessary
points are put in place by the as of 1 January 2015 and 0.5% confidence that alternatives to oil
end of 2025 and within adequate in all EU waters as of 1 January are there not only to stay but will
distances taking into account 2020. According to the Directive become increasingly important
the minimum range of LNG LNG refuelling points at maritime over the years and decades to
heavy-duty motor vehicles. As an and inland ports should be come. In this context LNG will play
indication, the necessary average available at least by the end of a gradually important role both
distance between refuelling points 2025 and 2030 respectively to for road transport as well as for
could be approximately 400 km. allow circulation in the TEN-T Core waterborne applications. l
In this context it is worth Disclaimer: The content of this
mentioning the European In this context it is worth article does not reflect the official
Commission’s co-funded LNG mentioning the Costa project3, opinion of the European Union.
Blue Corridors project.2 The which aims at developing the Responsibility for the information
project aims at improving framework conditions for the and views expressed in this article
knowledge and awareness of LNG use of LNG for ships in the lies entirely with the author.
1. European Environmental Agency, Expenditure on personal mobility (TERM 024) - Assessment published Jan 2011, available at:
inland waterway vessels. Natural as an alternative fuel for medium Mediterranean, Atlantic Ocean
gas offers today a technology with and long distance road transport. and Black Sea areas. If Costa’s
performances equivalent to petrol The core of the project is the policy recommendations are
or diesel units and with very deployment and demonstration implemented, it is expected that
clean exhaust emissions. Natural of four LNG Blue Corridors. This CO2 emissions from shipping
gas use in buses and trucks can will include building 14 new LNG could drop by 25% in 2020 and
substitute diesel fuel. stations and building up a fleet by 50% in 2050. Considering air
of about 100 LNG Heavy Duty pollutants, the use of LNG would
Natural gas – both as CNG Vehicles which will operate along eliminate SOx and reduce NOx
and as LNG – figures among the corridors. The project will by 90%.
the alternative fuels for which run for 4 years and will connect
the Directive mandates the over 12 Member States and align CONCLUSION
deployment of infrastructure. itself with existing demonstrations The Directive on the deployment
running at national level. of alternative fuels infrastructure
LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS shows the political will at the
(LNG) LNG is an attractive fuel European Commission, the
For heavy duty vehicles LNG, alternative for vessels to meet the European Parliament and EU
including liquefied bio-methane, requirements for decreasing the Member States to go forward
can offer a cost-efficient sulphur content in marine fuels with reducing our dependence
technology to meet the stringent in the Sulphur Emission Control on oil for transport, whilst at
pollutant emission limits of Euro Areas, affecting half of the ships the same time making our
VI standards. The TEN-T Core sailing in European Short Sea transport greener and more
Network should be the basis Shipping. LNG is therefore an sustainable. The measures that
for the deployment of LNG important element in the effort we are taking create a favourable
infrastructure as it covers the to comply with sulphur emission regulatory framework to provide
main traffic flows. Member States reduction legislation: 0.1% in manufacturers, investors and
should ensure that refuelling Sulphur Emission Control Areas consumers with the necessary
points are put in place by the as of 1 January 2015 and 0.5% confidence that alternatives to oil
end of 2025 and within adequate in all EU waters as of 1 January are there not only to stay but will
distances taking into account 2020. According to the Directive become increasingly important
the minimum range of LNG LNG refuelling points at maritime over the years and decades to
heavy-duty motor vehicles. As an and inland ports should be come. In this context LNG will play
indication, the necessary average available at least by the end of a gradually important role both
distance between refuelling points 2025 and 2030 respectively to for road transport as well as for
could be approximately 400 km. allow circulation in the TEN-T Core waterborne applications. l
In this context it is worth Disclaimer: The content of this
mentioning the European In this context it is worth article does not reflect the official
Commission’s co-funded LNG mentioning the Costa project3, opinion of the European Union.
Blue Corridors project.2 The which aims at developing the Responsibility for the information
project aims at improving framework conditions for the and views expressed in this article
knowledge and awareness of LNG use of LNG for ships in the lies entirely with the author.
1. European Environmental Agency, Expenditure on personal mobility (TERM 024) - Assessment published Jan 2011, available at: