Page 10 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
P. 10
Autumn 2014 European Energy Innovation


Air quantity in % at: With its Whizz-Wheel® fans,
Bronswerk is purposely opting for
Wind speed < 3 m/s 5 m/s 7 m/s the better, more efficient second
Conventional design 49.2 scenario. With this compact
Bronswerk Whizz-Wheel® 100 77.5 79.2 design, Bronswerk can realise
Table 1. Wind effect on electric yield. a higher air-side fan resistance
100 91.6 level and thus reduce the effect
of crosswind. Thanks to the
that produce such a high yield. also at much higher wind speeds ultra-high performance quality
Moreover, LNG plants very often all year round. Particularly of Whizz-Wheel® fans, lower
have their own electric power in windy (coastal) locations, absorbed electric power for the
plant. By using the Whizz-Wheel® this can lead to an enormous condensers can be realised under
fans the client only needs to install discrepancy between the desired all operating conditions and in
50% of the capacity compared and realised cooling effect. If all seasons. The following table
to conventional fans. This is an owners of (A-frame) condensers displays the wind effect on the
enormous economic benefit. want to conserve electricity, performance.
this discrepancy becomes even
REDUCED SIDE WIND greater. This is because air-cooled The loss of cooling air
SENSITIVITY condensers are more and more progressively results in a
Vacuum steam turbines used designed to be increasingly shallower vacuum. This leads
in power generation employ economical with driver energy. proportionally to a lower
air-driven cooling (A-frame) There are two ways of realising generated power and to
condensers to create better steam this lower energy consumption: approximately as much as 10
condensation. Due to the fan percent less electricity! For flat air-
and inlet shapes and the specific 1. Less air with a lower resistance cooled heat exchangers similar
design parameters, conventional level for the fans compensated effects have been observed by
performance generally is very by more condenser surface Bronswerk. If you would like to
dependent on wind speeds. area (roughly a larger cooler know more about this subject or
The VGB R131M (guide for with low-powered fans) if you wish to receive a copy of
performance testing or air-cooled the study report, please email to
condensers) stipulates that 2. Fans with much higher
during capacity measurements efficiency (more air), an optimal
the average wind speed should aerodynamic design and yet DE-BOTTLENECKING
remain under 3 m/s. lower electricity consumption In view of the above, people
often ask: “What does this
At higher wind speeds, the In the first case however, the mean for my plant?” and more
manufacturer can no longer resistance level for the fans is specifically: “My plant is currently
guarantee the performances of reduced so much that even a producing too little capacity.
the (A-frame) condensers. This slight breeze can have a negative Can this be improved with
is a very convenient standard effect on the operation of the the Whizz-Wheel®?” The short
for the manufacturers because it fans and therefore also a negative answer is that Bronswerk should
means they do not have to take effect on the condenser vacuum. be capable of improving the
disadvantageous wind effects into The system will therefore become operation of your equipment (in
account in their designs! even more sensitive to crosswind, order to be more specific, more
which means it will generate even customer information is required)
For the operator of the system, less electricity to the power grid. in combination with adequate
the cooling capacity of the However, the client won’t notice cleaning of “old” equipment. In
(A-Frame) condensers is not so this until after the start-up of the extreme situations considering
much a concern at wind speeds equipment when higher winds to build a new plant at times can
of less than 3 m/s. Fans have to are present. be more economical. When the
deliver their cooling capacity plot space is limited and/or the
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