Page 5 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
P. 5
Autumn 2014 European Energy Innovation 5
The publishers of European Energy Foreword
Innovation would like to offer their
sincere thanks to all individuals and When considered against a backdrop of the brutality and horror in the Middle
organisations who have contributed East, the renewed confrontation in Ukraine and the apparently growing threat
editorial images photos and illustrations of ebola in Africa, the negotiations attending the constitution and composition
to the magazine. Whilst every effort of the new EU Commission might have seemed rather less than exciting this
has been made to ensure accuracy Summer. But that would be to overlook the significance of M. Juncker’s term of
of the content, the publishers of office to the energy situation that confronts Europe. Perhaps the acid test will be
European Energy Innovation accept no how it learns to deal with Russia over the next five years, as the 20-20-20 climate
responsibility for errors or omissions. objectives come to the natural end of their something, and the 2030 Framework
(still only a framework, you note), assumes more substance. Perhaps it will come to
The contents of European Energy be how the single energy market and trans-european energy grids can be made
Innovation are protected by copyright. to operate in the wake of the nationalist debate in Scotland, which has of course
been watched with keen interest from Cataluña to Bayern.
All rights reserved.
So a warm welcome to the Autumn issue of the magazine, which features an
European Energy Innovation is excellent complement of stimulating articles from a range of distinguished
published by: contributors. From the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, José
Prologue Media Ltd Fernandez Garcia explores the significant role played by liquefied natural gas in
1a Shire Lane the development of an alternative fuels infrastructure. James Watson discusses
Chorleywood the importance of private funding in the development of renewable energy
Hertfordshire WD3 5NQ technologies, highlighting the potential $50 Billion USD available from the so-
United Kingdom called green funds. Dr Watson questions whether Europe’s proposed renewable
energy target is a sufficient incentive to drive private capital into the renewables
Tel: +44 1923 286238 sector, and cites the new Commission as an opportunity for new ideas and renewed optimism, particularly in the key area of energy efficiency. He calls for
“an ambitious, stable and predictable regulatory framework” to support Europe’s
To obtain additional copies please email leading position in RE technology. Meanwhile, as if to make us all think a little harder, Dr. Arnulf Jäger-Waldau from the European Commission explores the
contraction in the European Photovoltaic Market, something that is in marked
EDITOR contrast to the global expansion of solar technology. And as if to make us think
Michael Edmund harder still, the BPIE contribute to the debate about fuel poverty, which, it says, affects between 50 and 125 million Europeans.
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Meanwhile, almost unnoticed amid the more dramatic news, the World
Philip Beausire Meteorological Organisation recently announced that atmospheric CO2 levels rose last year to 396 parts per million, the largest annual increase since 1984.
We wish the new Commission and the new Parliament every success, for there is
HEAD OF BRUSSELS OFFICE much work for them to do.
Sophia Silvert
Tel: +32 2 347 7019 And there is a lot more for you to read inside…
Mob: +32 4737 30322 Michael Edmund
The Magazine Printing Company,
Enfield, Middlesex, United Kingdom
The publishers of European Energy Foreword
Innovation would like to offer their
sincere thanks to all individuals and When considered against a backdrop of the brutality and horror in the Middle
organisations who have contributed East, the renewed confrontation in Ukraine and the apparently growing threat
editorial images photos and illustrations of ebola in Africa, the negotiations attending the constitution and composition
to the magazine. Whilst every effort of the new EU Commission might have seemed rather less than exciting this
has been made to ensure accuracy Summer. But that would be to overlook the significance of M. Juncker’s term of
of the content, the publishers of office to the energy situation that confronts Europe. Perhaps the acid test will be
European Energy Innovation accept no how it learns to deal with Russia over the next five years, as the 20-20-20 climate
responsibility for errors or omissions. objectives come to the natural end of their something, and the 2030 Framework
(still only a framework, you note), assumes more substance. Perhaps it will come to
The contents of European Energy be how the single energy market and trans-european energy grids can be made
Innovation are protected by copyright. to operate in the wake of the nationalist debate in Scotland, which has of course
been watched with keen interest from Cataluña to Bayern.
All rights reserved.
So a warm welcome to the Autumn issue of the magazine, which features an
European Energy Innovation is excellent complement of stimulating articles from a range of distinguished
published by: contributors. From the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, José
Prologue Media Ltd Fernandez Garcia explores the significant role played by liquefied natural gas in
1a Shire Lane the development of an alternative fuels infrastructure. James Watson discusses
Chorleywood the importance of private funding in the development of renewable energy
Hertfordshire WD3 5NQ technologies, highlighting the potential $50 Billion USD available from the so-
United Kingdom called green funds. Dr Watson questions whether Europe’s proposed renewable
energy target is a sufficient incentive to drive private capital into the renewables
Tel: +44 1923 286238 sector, and cites the new Commission as an opportunity for new ideas and renewed optimism, particularly in the key area of energy efficiency. He calls for
“an ambitious, stable and predictable regulatory framework” to support Europe’s
To obtain additional copies please email leading position in RE technology. Meanwhile, as if to make us all think a little harder, Dr. Arnulf Jäger-Waldau from the European Commission explores the
contraction in the European Photovoltaic Market, something that is in marked
EDITOR contrast to the global expansion of solar technology. And as if to make us think
Michael Edmund harder still, the BPIE contribute to the debate about fuel poverty, which, it says, affects between 50 and 125 million Europeans.
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Meanwhile, almost unnoticed amid the more dramatic news, the World
Philip Beausire Meteorological Organisation recently announced that atmospheric CO2 levels rose last year to 396 parts per million, the largest annual increase since 1984.
We wish the new Commission and the new Parliament every success, for there is
HEAD OF BRUSSELS OFFICE much work for them to do.
Sophia Silvert
Tel: +32 2 347 7019 And there is a lot more for you to read inside…
Mob: +32 4737 30322 Michael Edmund
The Magazine Printing Company,
Enfield, Middlesex, United Kingdom