Page 8 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
P. 8
utumn 2014 European Energy Innovation

Three options for ultra low
shaft power of air-driven heat
exchangers in the LNG field

ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN how this field of activity can be between the Bronswerk fan and
LNG PLANTS made more efficient. the quietest conventional fan on
LNG air-driven systems are the market is 5 to 6 dB(A). The
characterised by their enormous BRONSWERK HIGHEST- following example best illustrates
size and their substantial use of EFFICIENCY ULTRA LOW-NOISE this difference: Imagine you are
ventilation energy. Although the COOLING talking to a friend in the street. A
energy consumed by driving Using very advanced flow cyclist passes and you continue
such large numbers of fans is simulations, “in house developed” your conversation undisturbed.
small, compared to the energy performance prediction software Then a moped passes and you
throughput of the plants, it is and exhaustive measured have to stop talking because you
attracting increasing negative confirmations, Bronswerk has can’t hear each other properly
attention for environmental developed a fan system that anymore; a striking difference and
reasons. On average, worldwide consumes less than half the that is why the Whizz-Wheel® fan,
around 25 to 30 % of the energy currently absorbed by as the Bronswerk fan is called, is
generated electric power is the best fans. Also Bronswerk’s raising performance qualities of
used for ventilation. Nowadays, fan is very quiet, even making air-driven cooling to a new high
fans are used everywhere, from far less noise than the E-motor level: ‘Highest efficiency, ultra low
refrigerators to computers to drivers it uses. This is important, noise cooling’.
air-conditioning systems. For the given that air-driven cooling
absorbed electric power of LNG of industrial processes always SUPERIOR FEATURES PROVIDE
fans, it is no exception to have 3 take place in open air and the NEW OPPORTUNITIES
to 6 MWatt of air-driven cooling. systems cannot be screened The market initially reacted
It clearly is high time to look more off without blocking the air with disbelief, but now that
closely at this very substantial supply and the cooling effect. large numbers of systems are
energy consumption and find out The sound-pressure difference using Whizz-Wheel® fans from
diameters of a few centimetres to
Fig 1. A-frame air flow >> Ø 10 metres, the new systems
have become well accepted.
People also have realised that
the superior features of high-
efficiency cooling are providing
new opportunities for the design
of the systems. In situations where
noise levels are very important –
for example, in nature reserves
– high-efficiency cooling causes
minimal disturbance. In situations
where plot space or weight is
important, such as on floating
platforms, the use of coolers with
Whizz-Wheel® fans, because of
substantial reductions, results in
major financial benefits for the
customer. In situations where
energy savings are important,
Whizz-Wheels® can realise
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