Page 11 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
P. 11
Autumn 2014 European Energy Innovation 11
system must comply with strict towards the blade-tips, thereby Fig 3. Whizz-Wheel® installation in Lyon
noise requirements, the Whizz- maximizing efficiency. The
Wheel® provides unprecedented inlet dimensions are up to 50 Contact details:
(sustainable and financial) options percent smaller in height than For more information or to find out what this
for de-bottlenecking. conventional bell-shaped inlet can mean for your system, send an email to
FAN SYSTEMS REALISE THESE Hub size: As the hub would
IMPROVED PERFORMANCES create a wake in the airflow, it is
FOR NOISE AND POWER shaped integrally for minimizing
Winglets: Noise and drag of flow disturbances and reduce
fans are generated to a large vortices on the wake side. Thus,
extent at both wing ends (tips reducing hub generated power-
and conventionally at the hubs). loss and noise generation and
Modern aircraft wing design above all providing better flow
shows the winglets at the coverage at the centre of the heat
wingtips. Our blades (wings) have exchanger pipe bundles.
no end in the sense that they are
mounted in a co-rotating ring(rim) Total weight and dimensioning:
so the air experiences effectively The monolithically shaped, ultra
“endless” wings; No tip vortices stiff but slender, Whizz-Wheel®
and hence, minimized drag and structure, the quasi-ellipsoid
noise! compacted inlet and the ultra
low power driving system,
Number of blades (wings): could reduce the weight of the
Increasing the number of blades total functional Whizz-Wheel®
decreases the aerodynamic assembly up to ca. 50 %.
and the mechanical load on
individual blades. Slender blades, INNOVATION AND THE FUTURE
with a geometry set for optimal Bronswerk roots its long term
aerodynamic profiling from continuity policy strongly in
hub to tip, show very low drag innovation. The innovation
minimizing power use and noise activities have led to a number
generation. Hence, radialy highly of remarkable, patented
twisted blades. Furthermore, a technologies and products, such
higher number of such blades as the Whizz-Wheel® fan, bringing
decreases the power level of substantial advantages for our
the audible frequencies. Whizz- customers. In this article the three
Wheel®: 16 blades vs. 4- 6 ways in which the Whizz-Wheel®
conventional. can contribute in using energy
much more efficiently in the LNG
New air-inlet called the fan field have been highlighted.
housing or fan ring: A major
result of the development is the For the LNG field this means
insight gained by considering improved sustainability with
and analyzing the air flow through economic benefits in terms
the integral cooler. Advanced of noise level reduction, plot
geometrical intake flow design, space and/or weight reduction,
called quasi-ellipsoid, eliminates energy savings, and production
crucial deceleration of the enhancement through de-
incoming air along the fan ring bottlenecking. l
system must comply with strict towards the blade-tips, thereby Fig 3. Whizz-Wheel® installation in Lyon
noise requirements, the Whizz- maximizing efficiency. The
Wheel® provides unprecedented inlet dimensions are up to 50 Contact details:
(sustainable and financial) options percent smaller in height than For more information or to find out what this
for de-bottlenecking. conventional bell-shaped inlet can mean for your system, send an email to
FAN SYSTEMS REALISE THESE Hub size: As the hub would
IMPROVED PERFORMANCES create a wake in the airflow, it is
FOR NOISE AND POWER shaped integrally for minimizing
Winglets: Noise and drag of flow disturbances and reduce
fans are generated to a large vortices on the wake side. Thus,
extent at both wing ends (tips reducing hub generated power-
and conventionally at the hubs). loss and noise generation and
Modern aircraft wing design above all providing better flow
shows the winglets at the coverage at the centre of the heat
wingtips. Our blades (wings) have exchanger pipe bundles.
no end in the sense that they are
mounted in a co-rotating ring(rim) Total weight and dimensioning:
so the air experiences effectively The monolithically shaped, ultra
“endless” wings; No tip vortices stiff but slender, Whizz-Wheel®
and hence, minimized drag and structure, the quasi-ellipsoid
noise! compacted inlet and the ultra
low power driving system,
Number of blades (wings): could reduce the weight of the
Increasing the number of blades total functional Whizz-Wheel®
decreases the aerodynamic assembly up to ca. 50 %.
and the mechanical load on
individual blades. Slender blades, INNOVATION AND THE FUTURE
with a geometry set for optimal Bronswerk roots its long term
aerodynamic profiling from continuity policy strongly in
hub to tip, show very low drag innovation. The innovation
minimizing power use and noise activities have led to a number
generation. Hence, radialy highly of remarkable, patented
twisted blades. Furthermore, a technologies and products, such
higher number of such blades as the Whizz-Wheel® fan, bringing
decreases the power level of substantial advantages for our
the audible frequencies. Whizz- customers. In this article the three
Wheel®: 16 blades vs. 4- 6 ways in which the Whizz-Wheel®
conventional. can contribute in using energy
much more efficiently in the LNG
New air-inlet called the fan field have been highlighted.
housing or fan ring: A major
result of the development is the For the LNG field this means
insight gained by considering improved sustainability with
and analyzing the air flow through economic benefits in terms
the integral cooler. Advanced of noise level reduction, plot
geometrical intake flow design, space and/or weight reduction,
called quasi-ellipsoid, eliminates energy savings, and production
crucial deceleration of the enhancement through de-
incoming air along the fan ring bottlenecking. l