Page 9 - European Energy Innovation - Autumn 2014
P. 9
Autumn 2014 European Energy Innovation 9


savings of around 50 percent.
Also and equally important −
Whizz-Wheel® fans are much less
sensitive to crosswind. Efficiency
levels remain excellent even at
higher wind speeds. To illustrate
this, the effects of wind on the
performances of a steam turbine
condenser are described. Clearly
shown is the difference in the
electric power generated when
the condenser is equipped with
conventional fans or with Whizz-
Wheel® fans.

IMPACT AND SCOPE OF NEW Fig. 2: Gas evaporation towers with Whizz-Wheel® fans; 50 percent of the number
Noise: In the following example,
the difference in the noise load an example (see photograph). floating platform, it will result in
of an LNG plant with 100 fans These are actually gas heating savings on the underlying steel
of 60 KW is calculated. In the towers using the temperatures of constructions, which now can
calculation, it is important to gas (-80) and outside air (+20). be much lighter. The savings
not just take the noise of the fan These temperature differences on steel constructions will be
into account but also the noise being so far apart that Whizz- comparable to the amount
of the motor and transmission. Wheel® fans can generate twice invested in the total system. Such
In standard situations, fans and as much air with the same shaft a saving on steel is not only good
transmission each produce power with a much better air for the customer’s finances, it
approximately the same amount speed distribution. That means also benefits the environment.
of noise (sound pressure that the entire cross section of the Because even the ‘big players’
approximately 65 dB(A)). Because evaporation tower is adequately want to act responsibly and
they combine, this results in a supplied with heating air, thus protect the environment.
final load of 68 dB(A). The use of doubling the heat exchange.
Whizz-Wheel® fans can achieve Twice as much gas can then be Energy Savings: Whizz-Wheel®
a noise load of just 50 dB(A) evaporated per tower requiring systems therefore make it
because only the motors and approximately half the number possible to be environmentally-
transmissions generate noise. In of gas evaporation towers. The friendly and earn money at the
order to realise the full benefit results is a 50 % reduction in the same time. The extra investments
of the fans, however, noise costs for connecting motors and in these fans can be recovered
attenuation measures will have to manifolds and, most importantly, in 3 to 10 years. A recovery time
be taken so that the noise of the it reduces the total weight by of 7 years, for example, means a
motors is less than the noise of approximately 50 %, yielding yield of approximately 14 percent
the fans. In this way, an ultimate sustainable solutions, both on the invested capital. Currently
noise load from 100 fans of 100 x directly and indirectly. On a there are very few investments
65 ≈ 80 dB(A) would be realised
in the old situation and only 60
dB(A) in the new situation.

Plot space reduction and/
or savings in weight: For
this consideration, the gas
evaporation towers are taken as
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