Page 51 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 51
Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation 51
needs a level playing field for ALL use (higher cost) PEM can easily reach The development of power to
paths of renewable energy. higher values. Development focuses gas depends largely on its fair
on cheaper catalysts, new membrane consideration in Renewable Energy
Studies: Recent FCH JU-supported types and efficient design. Cost ranges Directive, which is hardly visible in
studies on European level are from 1000 to 1500 €/kW for large current drafts. Use of renewable
“HyUnder...” on underground storage plants excluding compression or hydrogen in fuel cell vehicles should
and the “Study on early business injection. Reduction potential ranges be imputed with a factor being half as
cases in energy storage…”. “Hydrogen down to below 500 €/kW. much as that for battery vehicles – but
Scaling Up” of Hydrogen Council at least 2, and PtG-electricity has to be
looks on the industrial impact. Recent In Europe there are 31 projects with a imputed as renewable in more cases:
German studies are “Klimaschutz total power of 25.4 MWel in operation
durch Sektorenkopplung” by Enervis, and another 14 totaling 29.3 MW • 100%, if it is supplied by the grid
„Der Wert der Gas-Infrastruktur under erection. The latter includes 1.2 operator in order to avoid throttling
für die Energiewende” by Frontier MW in Hobro, Denmark, that is close to of renewable energy-producers
and „Comparative Analysis of commissioning. Nineteen respectively
Infrastructures: Hydrogen Fueling 8 of these projects are located in • 100%, if it is supplied synchronously
and Electric Charging of Vehicles” Germany with a total power of 22/18 from any specific RE-producer
by Research Center Jülich. Regional MW. Some projects are for multi-
roadmap studies are “Green Hydrogen purpose like hydrogen for mobility and • in case of purchase at an energy
Economy in the Northern Netherlands” industry as well as gas grid injection, exchange: to the instantaneous
with GW numbers, “Akzeptanz durch in others the latter is combined regional (national or bidding zone
Wertschöpfung” by GP-Joule on with methane synthesis. Liquids are related) percentage of RE, which
hydrogen mobility based on local wind produced at small scale in Dresden is to be certified officially for each
power, and “h21 Leeds City Gate” with with German funding, and a 1 MWel region and hour of the year.
detailed plans to switch the whole gas Methanol production is being erected
supply of the city to hydrogen made in Niederaußem, NRW (MefCO2, FCH In any of these cases electricity
by steam reforming with CCS and JU). Energy storage is demonstrated in consumed by power-to-gas plants
to support hydrogen mobility. This projects MYRTE (Corsica, FCH JU) and must of course not be imputed on
is not power-to-gas, but it will boost H2Herten (NRW, EFRE). the renewable energy target for the
sustainable hydrogen use technologies. electricity sector. But this is enough to
Important non-German plants in avoid double counting. The RED drafts’
Technology: for electric splitting of operation are located in Aberdeen limitation to new off-grid plants is far
water there are 3 options: alkaline for mobility (1 MW) and in Troia, Italy, too strict.
electrolysis with proven long lifetimes, for methane (1 MW). In Germany
the potentially more efficient PEM there is Werlte for methane (6 MW), EnergieAgentur.NRW, funded by
electrolysis based on Proton Exchange Energiepark Mainz for multiple the state and EFRE, supports SMEs
Membranes with much higher power hydrogen use (6 MW), and Ibbenbüren in their development of innovative
densities, and the high temperature in NRW (150 kW), that reaches a energy technologies. Its Fuel Cells and
Solid Oxide Electrolysis (SOEC) using record efficiency of 86%, to which Hydrogen, Electromobility Network
oxygen ion-conducting membranes. heat use attributes 15%. Erections founded in y2000 has 430 members. l
When using externally generated include Wesseling refinery in NRW (10
steam the latter has the highest MW), Südermarsch Wind (2.4 MW) Contact details:
efficiency (92%), but its stack size is and Leuna (2 MW) in Germany, Linz Dr. Michael Weber
limited to few kW. Due to reversibility in Austria (6 MW, steel), BIG HIT on EnergieAgentur.NRW
it is well suited for energy storage at Orkney (1.5 MW, H2) and Jupiter in Fos- Kompetenzzentrum
small scale or other applications that sur-Mer (1 MW, methane). More multi- Systemtransformation sowie
strongly value efficiency. The other two MW projects are being planned, but we Netzwerk Brennstoffzelle und
technologies reach stack sizes of few also see non-operation of plants due Wasserstoff, Elektromobilität
MW and in most projects efficiencies to unfavorable regulatory boundary
of ~71%2. At lower current density conditions. T: +49 211 86642-245
M: +49 178 7303023
1) Gas-engines do also reduce emissions, but their GHG-reduction potential per unit of renewable E:
electricity is not sufficient to let them serve as standard solution for such vehicles – combustion engines and P: Roßstraße 92, 40476 Düsseldorf
green hydrocarbon fuels are advantageous for long-distance transport.
2) based on the higher heating value fuel-cell-network