Page 37 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 37

Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation  37

                                            REGIONAL RESEARCH & INNOVATION

target by 2035. The region has              meet the European Battery                  connecting sectors, such as climate,
taken an important facilitation role        Alliance’s sustainability criteria, their  energy, and transport. One aspect
in bringing together not only cities        advantages in comparison to current        on policy priorities is clear: we
and municipalities but also the             battery solutions regarding social         expect the draft Horizon Europe to
other actors of the quadruple-helix         mining, reuse, recollection, recycling     place further emphasis on these
(private sector, research, civil society).  and Energy Return on Investment            three policy areas, as decarbonising
There is an enormous potential for          (EROI) will be discussed.. The             our society requires research
encouraging other regions to set their      objective will be to raise awareness       and innovation, and in particular
regional carbon targets and create          on several existing valuable concepts      accelerated actions – together. l
further cooperation between the             and innovations different from
different actors. Ambitious targets         mainstream developments. The                 ERRIN (European Regions
and actions by cities and regions           examples of Thuringia and Friesland          Research and Innovation
also send a strong message to the           demonstrate that European regions            Network) is a Brussels-
national, international and European        can offer innovative solutions that          based platform that gathers
government levels and can push              could contribute to the clean energy         together more than 130 regional
forward more ambitious targets and          transition the European Union is             organisations in 24 European
increased actions at other levels..         aiming at, if they are being integrated      countries. ERRIN aims to
                                            in ongoing and future initiatives and        strengthen the regional and
OUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE EU                  activities.                                  local dimension in the EU
SUSTAINABLE ENERGY WEEK                                                                  Research and Innovation policy
Clean energy transition requires            EVERYONE IS WAITING TO                       and programmes. It promotes
further emphasis on sustainable             DISCOVER ENERGY PRIORITIES                   knowledge exchange between
energy storage solutions. Given             UNDER THE NEW FRAMEWORK                      its members, focusing on
the raise of electricity demand             PROGRAMME                                    joint actions and strategic
(electrification of the energy sector)      The energy transition process                partnerships to strengthen
in the coming years as well as              requires scaling up existing innovative      regional research and innovation
the toxic properties of current             models, and both social and                  capacities and thereby foster
battery technologies, we are facing         technological innovation. We hope to         sustainable and inclusive growth
resource dependency, environmental          see that reflected in the upcoming           in regions.
risks but also challenges such as           research and innovation programme.
battery fields like Elon Musk’s Giga        There are some interesting new               We are pleased to invite you
Factory in Australia. There are many        features in discussion, such as the          to the ERRIN EU Sustainable
environmental, social and economic          “mission approach” that should               Energy Week (EUSEW) side event
reasons for a different type of battery     be part of the societal challenges           "Energy Storage Vision 2025. Can
technology. So far, this important          pillar in Horizon Europe. Such an            Europe beat Elon Musk?", which
dimension is hardly tackled in              approach will hopefully provide              will take place on 6th June from
European energy storage discussions.        further opportunities to regional and        14.00 at the Greater Birmingham
What could be the vision for truly          local actors to actively propose their       and West Midlands Brussels
sustainable Energy Storage?                 innovative solutions, and broaden            Office (Avenue d'Auderghem
                                            the current call structure, which can        22-28 Oudergemselaan, Brussels)
During the EU Sustainable Energy            be quite prescriptive. In addition,
Week, ERRIN will co-organise a              silos should be further broken by
session on smart grids, renewables
and storage as part of the official
programme, as well as a side event
on sustainable batteries. The latter
will be an opportunity to showcase
two innovative, sustainable, stationary
energy storage technologies from
two European Regions, Thuringia
and Friesland; the progress of these
technologies, but also what needs to
be done to further improve stationary
battery systems.

In addition, how these technologies
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