Page 42 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 42

42  Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation


The world’s largest solar heating plant is located in Silkeborg, Denmark. (Source: Arcon-Sunmark)

The same principle can be applied to    Denmark and Switzerland, renewable        remember: 12% of the new EU energy
waste heat sources in urban areas –     energy already provides more than 40%     efficiency target can be covered
a lot of heat produced in the middle    of district heat supply (Source: IRENA).  by increasing the share of district
of our cities that remains largely                                                heating and cooling from around 10%
unused. In some cases, the potential    Short term as well as seasonal heat       to 30% by 2030 (Source: Danfoss).
is huge and will grow even further:     storage (collecting heat from large       We already know that it is possible
data centres energy consumption is      scale solar thermal systems or            and feasible to increase the district
expected to double between 2007         industrial processes) is becoming         heating share to 30% by 2050 and
and 2020, and so will the heat they     more and more important, as it            50% by 2050 (Source: Heat Roadmap
produce. Channelling this heat via      reduces demand for other energy           Europe).
district heating networks is already a  sources and increases flexibility
profitable business model.              between seasons. Moreover, excess         So, what do we need to achieve that?
                                        electricity generated when there is       The right mindset and investments
If we add the unlimited renewable       abundant sun or wind can be used          in the right infrastructure. Let’s put
energy sources suitable for direct use  by district heating companies to          (water) pipes in the ground, instead of
for heating and cooling (geothermal,    produce hot water through heat            (gas) pipelines! l
solar), the picture gets clearer.       pumps. Therefore, district heating
                                        and cooling systems come to play a         Contact information
Around the world, a switch towards      pivotal role in increasing the share of
renewable energy sources for district   renewable heat as well as enabling
heating and cooling can help meet       variable renewable power integration.       Email:
rising urban energy needs, improve                                                  Twitter: @EuroheatPower
efficiency, reduce emissions and        With the new Clean Energy Package
provide cost-effective temperature      on its way for implementation over                      @DanaPoppEU
control. In a few countries, such as    the next years, here is a number to

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