Page 43 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 43
Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation 43
Autogas as the solution to
improve air quality in Europe
The roads of Europe are
busier than ever before. As
governments across the
continent search for solutions
to help curb air pollution,
one immediate option gains
traction – LPG.
According to the World Health
Organisation, 7 million people die
prematurely each year because of
illnesses caused by air pollution. In
Europe the numbers are lower, but
still unacceptable. Everyday European
citizens walk into the streets knowing
that they are surrounded by polluted
air, in great part caused by the
transport sector.
Autogas – LPG used in the transport people drive. The results made New technologies, such as
sector – is a viable option that can clear that Autogas can play an hybridisation and battery range
make an immediate and impactful essential role in improving air quality, extenders, and direct injection
difference. Recognised in the especially in urban areas, where enginesoffer great potential for
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure NOx and particulate matter (PM) reducing the environmental footprint
Directive, Autogas is the most widely emissions affecting human health are of Autogas. Moreover, Bio-LPG
used alternative fuel in Europe with generating socially and economically recently introduced in the European
over 15 million vehicles on the road unacceptable costs. Recent market brings CHG emissions
across the continent, served by over research on real driving emissions down by up to 90%, compared to
46,000 refueling stations. The main measured through a portable system conventional LPG.
benefit of Autogas lies in the savings showed that Autogas cars emit on
it can offer consumers, a litre of average 45% less CO, and 90% less The future of mobility is being written
Autogas is on average 50% cheaper small particles than their gasoline as we go. Many different options
than a litre of conventional fuels. equivalents. It also confirmed that present themselves as the silver bullet
In fact, among the alternative fuels LPG brings a 98% reduction in NOx that will solve all the challenges. In
available to consumers, Autogas is the emissions compared with diesel. the meantime, Autogas represents
one that allows any driver in Europe the most immediate, practical and
to travel freely without concerns Autogas vehicles bring benefits in economic solution to improve air
about refueling, thanks to the terms of CO2 emissions. Tests in real quality in European cities. l
widespread network of stations. But driving conditions confirmed that
Autogas’ benefits go far beyond the Autogas vehicles emits CO2 at the Contact information
economic value it brings to its users. tailpipe. What is more, according to
the calculation method and reporting Cécile Nourigat
The “Dieselgate” scandal led policy requirements in annex of the Fuel Autogas Manager - AEGPL
makers to seriously consider Quality Directive, based on the JRC (European LPG Association)
alternative options to reduce the JEC study, LPG vehicles emit 21% less Email:
levels of air pollution. The Autogas CO2 than petrol and 23% less CO2
industry, confident in its own product, than diesel equivalent vehicles on a
tested it not only in laboratories life cycle basis.
but on roads in Europe, where real