Page 39 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 39

Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation  39


    to supply heating or cooling for           supported by an inorganic PCM. It         temperature and temperature
    buildings acclimatization.                 is capable of generating steam for        range in temperature controlled
                                               plant demand and the remaining            rooms. These KPIs are directly
• The energy recovery process will             heat, in condensed water form, is         related to the energy recovery
    be controlled by a smart data              transfered to a low temperature           system. The first analysis carried
    management system that will                circuit for plant heating demand.         out for the season of winter has
    achieve the best energy recovery                                                     detected for the shell room as
    yield for maintaining or improving     • The construction of the Low                 critical variable some specific
    the manufacturing and quality ratios.      temperature circuit has started, it       areas of the whole room.
                                               is based on the BTES technology
These technical developments will              (Borehole Thermal Energy Storage)     • The general energy recovery balance
be carried out by developing different         combined with a heat pump. It will        after the final design has been
activities among the partners in the           balance heat and cooling needs            completed and give promising
project consortium.                            of the plant by making use of the         results. The primary energy
                                               plant’s residual heat water. The          consumption of the plant is foreseen
Different milestones have been                 excess heat will be stored for use        to be reduced by 20,9%. The total
overcome by the project and they include:      in winter and a new business model        energy recovery rate of residual
                                               is being developedt to provide the        heat streams has been calculated
• A low temperature heat                       excess energy to a sports center          as being 87%, representing
    exchanger design (LTHE) recovers           located next to the company.              advantageous values compared
    energy form steam released in                                                        to other alternatives like energy
    boilerclaves. This equipment has       • Two main objectives have                    conversion into electricity with
    been proven in a test bench in             been set in relation to the data          much lower energy recovery rates.
    terms of constructive materials,           management system: 1.- A specific
    working routine and the use of an          data management system linked         • Is also remarkable that a specific
    organic PCM. Results have shown            with the energy recovery to               business model is under discussion
    adequate energy capture and                reduce temperature variability            involving one of the companies
    release for the foreseen industrial        in shell room and wax room                of the project. This company
    cycle.                                     (Tmax and temperature variation           will act as an energy distributor,
                                               range as main KPIs).2.-A Global           investing in the connection and
• A High temperature heat exchanger            smart data management system,             maintenance of the equipment
    recovers energy form exhaust               incorporating critical process            and receiving income based on the
    gases in the range of 800ºC. This          variables, including energy recovery      energy use of a third party. l
    equipment has gone over different          a. (KPI: pores in visual and NDT
    simulation loops to achieve the            inspection). This data management      Contact information
    best design and working routine.           system has resulted in the analysis
    The final design achieves recovery         of how process variables such 
    rates of 30-40%, and incorporates          as day of the week, shift, season,
    a heat exchanger attached                  external temperature and area of        Ted Crowston, Dow Representative:
    to the chimney aa well as a                the room affects critical aspects
    separate buffer for energy storage         for mold quality such as maximun
                                                                                       The consortia shows a good balance
Participant No *  Participant organisation name  Country                               between industrial participants
1 (Coordinator)   PCB                            Spain                                 represented by multinationals like
2                 MET                            Lithuania                             PCB, and DOW-CORNING, SMEs like
3                 QPUNKT                         Austria                               MET, QPUNKT, TELUR, TECNODELTA
4                 TELUR                          Spain                                 and RTOs like ZAE-BAYERN. IK4-
5                 TECNODELTA                     Italy                                 AZTERLAN and IK4-TEKNIKER. Each
6                 ZAE-BAYERN                     Germany                               partners completes required skills for
7                 DOW-CORNING                    Belgium                               the ongoing of this project. Engineering
8                 IK4-AZTERLAN                   Spain                                 and equipment construction skills are
9                 IK4-TEKNIKER                   Spain                                 represented by TECNODELTA, TELUR
                                                                                       and MET, modelling of heat transfer
                                                                                       by QPUNKT, experience in energy and
                                                                                       heat management by DOW CORNING
                                                                                       and IK4-TEKNIKER, specialists in
                                                                                       PCM and metallic materials by ZAE
                                                                                       BAYERN and IK4-AZTERLAN and expert
                                                                                       knowledge in final process by PCB
                                                                                       and IK4-AZTERLAN. All that makes a
                                                                                       complementary team that has been
                                                                                       successfully developing the foreseen
                                                                                       activities in the project.
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