Page 38 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 38
38 Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation
SusPIRE Collaboration Leading
to Technical Advancements and
Value Creation in Heat Recovery
Energy in intensive industries is food industry. The identified residual On one side, the technical
used to transform the chemical heat streams are: development will be carried out by
composition or the shape of raw way of achieving higher levels of
materials or starting components. • High temperature exhaust gases energy recovery that include:
A very small quantity of this energy from combustion furnaces that
will remain integrated in the are generated in a continuous way. • Development of PCM (Phase
material itself. Supplied energy is Exhaust gases get out from the Change Material) based heat
lost in aspects such as radiation, furnace at around 800ºC. exchanger for high temperature
intermediate or finished products exhaust gases.
remaining heat that are cooled to the • Steam getting out of the
open air or in residual heat streams. boilerclave at around 100ºC and • Development of PCM based heat
These energy losses are estimated discontinuously generated. exchanger for steam released in
at around 20 to 50% of the total boilerclave.
consumption in one production • Cooling water from different
plant. This project will focus on equipments such as: Wax injection • High efficiency Heat Transfer Fluids
residual heat streams that can be units, compressors, induction (HTF) for high temperature efficient
classified by their physical condition: furnaces. energy recovery.
liquid, solid or gas and by the
temperature range that they have. It Different technical solutions have • A high temperature energy buffer
has identified an investment casting been identified in this project to will be developed to distribute
manufacturing process with its accomplish the efficient energy energy to a plant consumption
corresponding residual heat streams recovery of these residual heat point or to a Borehole Thermal
as representative of a significant streams. The result, SUSPIRE’s final Energy Storage System (BTES) that
number of energy intensive industries goal, is a 20% reduction in the energy will accumulate low temperature
such as steel, glass, cement and the consumption of the plant. energy and use the heat pump