Page 44 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 44

44  Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation


Smart approaches to
ending energy poverty

By Stefan Bouzarovski, Professor of Human Geography, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Millions of people worldwide endure energy poverty, with their health and well-being suffering as
a result. A new European network is helping researchers and policymakers to develop a common
approach to improving energy access, and empowering at-risk consumers.

In Europe alone, more than 50             efficiency, reducing society’s carbon   constituents,” says Bouzarovski.
     million households – nearly 11 % of  footprint, he adds.                     “Our name reflects what we do. We
     the population – struggle to keep                                            engage!”
     their homes warm, access hot         Launched in 2017 to run for four
  water, pay their energy bills on time   years, the network includes             CONNECTED ACTION
  or live in damp-free homes. While       participants from research              Existing EU actions already address
  many groups are working to address      organisations, national and regional    some energy poverty issues, such
  this problem, progress has been         authorities, businesses and consumer    the Energy Performance in Buildings
  limited due to differences in how they  advocacy groups.                        Directive under the Energy Union
  approach the issues.                                                            strategy. In January 2018, the
                                          “There is strong representation across  European Commission also launched
  In response, the COST-funded
  network European Energy Poverty:
  Agenda Co-Creation and Knowledge
  Innovation (ENGAGER) brings together
  more than 60 organisations from
  over 30 countries to develop a shared
  understanding of energy poverty.

The network is also designing
methods to identify and assist people
at risk, along with training materials
to help consumers influence
decision-makers and access more
affordable energy.

“Energy poverty is a hidden inequality
but it impacts every country in the
world. Measures to reduce this
inequality improve lives,” says the
network’s chair, Professor Stefan
Bouzarovski of the University of

Properly heated homes can help
children perform better at school,
and reduce winter deaths, he notes.
Measures also save money – for
individuals, utility companies and
wider society – and improve energy

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