Page 49 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 49

Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation  49

                                        BUILDING RENOVATION PASSPORT

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  ON-SITE AND OFF-SITE                                                           RENOVATION ROADMAP

• General informaiton and                                                      • Rennovation in sensible order
    adminstration                                                                  and packages

• Building construction                                                        • Comprehensive audit
    information                                                                • Long-term perspective
                                                                               • Tailored to individual
• Building energy performance
    (such as EPC information)                                                       BUILDING LOGBOOK

• Building operation and use                                                   • Inventory of building-related
• Smart information                                                                information

                                                                               • Manage and monite real-time
                                                                                   energy consumption

                                                                               • Linked building owners (users)
                                                                                   and third parties

Figure 1: Building Renovation Passport - Overview of its components (Source: BPIE)

ill-advised investments. For the EU     in the Horizon 2020 project iBRoad,    energy consumption and production,
to increase not just the rate but also  whose aim is to show how Building      executed maintenance and building
the quality of energy renovations, it   Renovation Passports can support       plans. The logbook could also feature
is essential to overcome the lack of    deep renovation in the residential     other sets of information related
reliable knowledge about what to do,    sector.                                to each individual building, such as
how to do it and in which order.                                               the financing options available in
                                        THE BUILDING RENOVATION                the area for renovation projects (e.g.
THE BUILDING RENOVATION                 PASSPORT: FEATURES                     green loans, incentives, tax credits)
PASSPORT AS A SOLUTION                  The Building Renovation Passport       as well as energy bills, equipment
                                        is designed to become a useful         maintenance recommendations and
One instrument that is gaining more     resource for the building owner, with  insurance and property obligations.
attention is the Building Renovation    features and information presented     Its main feature is to make the
Passport, which outlines a custom-      in an understandable manner. One       process easier for the occupant, but
made long-term (up to 10 or 20          example, which also works as trigger   the logbook could potentially also
years) step-by-step renovation          for investments, is the possibility    be used to track renovation activities
roadmap for an individual house. In     for the owner to easily absorb the     and send alerts to the users in case
many ways, it is an evolution of the    expected benefits of the renovation    of unusual consumption patterns or
EPC, and builds on information from     works.                                 suspicions of technical flaws.
energy audits and dialogues with the
occupants. Different variations of the  The renovation roadmap can be          THE BUILDING RENOVATION
idea have recently been implemented     combined with a digital repository     PASSPORT IN PRACTICE
in Flanders (Belgium), Germany and      of building-related information (a     The most innovative example of
France, and studied for replication     logbook) on aspects such as the        a logbook is the Woningpas in
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