Page 53 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 53

Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation     53


As stated in the Energy Efficiency
Plan 2011, the greatest energy
saving potential lies in buildings.
The ENTROPY project addresses
the challenge of energy efficiency
in buildings via the design and
development of novel solutions for
accomplishing energy savings.

The ENTROPY project designs,              Entropy Serious Game – Energy              Entropy Personalized app – Energy
deploys and assesses the ENTROPY          related quiz                               saving Recommendation
ecosystem, an innovative energy-
aware Internet-of-Things (IoT)            Overall, the ENTROPY ecosystem             the users/ consumers actual energy
platform for motivating end-users         introduces a number of innovative          behavior in the building. Last, but
engagement and behavioral changes         features. First of all, the ecosystem      not least, the ENTROPY system has
towards the adoption of energy            enables the easy and seamless              implemented all the necessary EU
efficient lifestyles. The ENTROPY         integration of IoT devices and sensors     prescriptions in order to protect the
ecosystem builds upon (a) IoT             installed in buildings, as well as plugin  users’ data privacy.
technologies for interconnecting          functionalities. Additionally, ENTROPY
numerous devices and collecting           platform makes analytics easy, secure      The ENTROPY ecosystem will be
energy-related information from           and comprehensible. The ecosystem          evaluated through its application
heterogeneous data sources, (b)           ensures that every user, without any       to three public buildings: the
advanced Data Modelling and               prior analytics knowledge, will be able    Navacchio Technology Park (www.
Analysis techniques that support the      to upload, build or execute energy close to Pisa in
realization of semantic models and        analytics algorithms and explore           Italy, the Technological park and
knowledge extraction mechanisms           the energy efficiency results via a        University campus in University of
and (c) recommendation and                user-friendly visualization module.        Murcia in Spain and the Technopole
gamification mechanisms that              The provided knowledge of energy           in Sierre in Switzerland.
stimulate users interest for energy       consumption and efficiency can
efficient activities and educate them     ultimately assist in decision making       The target audience and potential
in adopting more energy efficient         for the building energy managers.          interested stakeholders range from
lifestyles.                               Further, the provided digital-physical     Utilities / Smart Grids and Smart Cities
                                          interactive serious game and the           stakeholders to individual end-users
Specifically, the ENTROPY ecosystem       mobile personalized app promote and        interested in home and/or office
engages the end users by developing       enable change of energy consumption        services that enable energy efficiency. l
a set of serious games and                behavior through adaptive educational
personalized mobile applications that     content. Finally, the ENTROPY               Contact information
provide to the users energy-related       platform has one more unique
information and recommendations           feature; it provides analytics of the
for achieving energy savings in their     users’ behavior that interact with the
daily activities. The users can           serious game and the personalized            Email:
monitor in real-time the energy           app. In brief, the ENTROPY platform          
data streams from the IoT-enabled         is also a means to see and evaluate
buildings through the ENTROPY
platform. Additionally, a digital-
physical interactive game with
VR capabilities provides to the
users behavioral-based adaptive
educational content and interaction
with the sensors and IoT energy
monitoring devices. Overall, the
users have a unique, educational
experience interacting with energy
monitoring devices and gamified
applications; and realizing how fruitful
means can enable energy efficient
behavior and lifestyle.
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