Page 58 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
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58 Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation
The World Sustainable Energy
Days 2018
600 experts, 66 countries, 6 thematic conferences, 1 mission: driving the clean energy transition
Upper Austria is a European these topics and work at driving the research results on energy-efficient
leader in the clean energy energy transition forward. The WSED, and sustainable buildings.
transition: already 75% one of Europe’s largest annual events
of the electricity, 61% of in its field, offer several thematic "Renewables second"
all space heating and 32% of the conferences on key topics related to
primary energy in the region come energy efficiency and biomass as well Pellets are a clean, CO2 neutral and
from renewables. Moreover, through as technical site visits and a major convenient fuel with growing market
significant increases in energy tradeshow. Held from 28 February shares worldwide. The 2018 edition
efficiency and renewable energy, - 2 March 2018, the 2018 edition of of the European Pellet Conference,
greenhouse gas emissions from the WSED was once again a great the largest annual pellet event in the
buildings have been reduced by success with over 600 experts from world, delivered the latest news about
43% in 10 years. Energy efficiency 66 countries attending the events. markets, technologies and policies.
and renewable energy are key Upper Austria is an ideal location
to boosting the economic Energy efficiency first for this conference: more than 25%
competitiveness of the EU, its of all automatic biomass boilers
member states, regions and individual In 2018, the European Energy sold in the EU are manufactured by
businesses. Resulting economic Efficiency Conference comprised 5 Upper Austrian companies and pellet
growth provides jobs and the ability conferences covering topics ranging heating systems have become a
to invest in the further progress of from research to policy. Among standard solution in the region.
the clean energy transition to the these, the “Energy Efficiency Business
benefit of all citizens. Conference” addressed energy Welcoming the next generation
efficiency as a pivotal economic
Each spring, the sustainable energy factor and focussed on how to make The WSED offer Young Energy
community comes together at the it into business. The “Technology Researchers an opportunity to
World Sustainable Energy Days Innovation Conference: Energy and present their work and achievements
(WSED) in Wels/Austria to discuss Buildings” was dedicated to new to an international audience. In the