Page 61 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 61
Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation 61
Transition is necessary,
and Sweden can show the way
By Ibrahim Baylan, Minister for Policy Coordination and Energy in the Swedish Government
The energy sector is industry and buildings, and to lead it play an absolutely crucial role for the
undergoing change. And back into the energy system. speed of the change. I want Sweden
this change is absolutely to continue to be a leading country
necessary. The challenge of But it is not until now, in 2018, that in the development of new energy
climate change cannot be addressed we have reached the point at which technology. Being at the forefront of
without solving energy issues; the the change is system-wide. I would energy research, development and
energy sector accounts for two say that the energy sector is in a commercialisation will create new
thirds of the Earth’s total greenhouse disruptive phase. Previous truths and jobs and growth, both in Sweden and
gas emissions. The change that the technologies are being re-examined around the world.
energy sector is currently undergoing and new solutions and services
is of such a nature that I am are emerging. And these novelties Sweden has all the right conditions
convinced we are now writing history. not only give us lower emissions, to take on a leading role in this
For the first time in world history, we they also create new jobs and transition. We are one of the world’s
have the technology to provide our export opportunities. Sweden is an most innovative countries, we have
homes and businesses with energy example of how lower carbon dioxide fantastic natural resources in the
in a way that does not destroy the emissions can be combined with form of forest, water and wind, and
climate and at the same time also growth. Since the 1990s, Sweden’s we have flourishing industry. We
creates new jobs and contributes GDP has risen by 75 per cent, whereas want to show that a comfortable and
to growth. our CO2 equivalent emissions have modern lifestyle can be combined
dropped by 26 per cent. with reduced emissions. We will show
The Swedish Government has high that it is possible to combine growth
ambitions for climate and energy As is already clear above, the heating and job creation with sustainability.
policy. Our goal is for Sweden to have sector has come a long way in the
a 100 per cent renewable energy transition to renewable energy. We I am convinced that we are in the
system by 2040 and to become one are now focusing on the electricity midst of a historic shift. When we
of the world’s first fossil-free welfare and transport sectors. The transport look back at this time in ten years, we
societies. We have also decided that sector is also the area that appears should feel proud of the choices and
by 2045, Sweden will have achieved to be the most difficult to solve. Not investments that Sweden, Europe
net zero greenhouse gas emissions. all solutions are in place here yet, but and the world made. It is happening
This demands a great deal of us I am convinced that we are nearly now. And it is up to us. l
politicians, as well as all actors in there. Research and technological
society. We need wise, forward- developments are taking place at Ibrahim Baylan
looking decisions, and we need to both universities and companies, and
be prepared to invest in new and energy-efficient transport, new fuels
innovative solutions. and electrification are gaining ground
parallel to this.
The Swedish energy sector has
already embarked upon the transition However, the transition to fossil-
to renewable energy. We began free electricity is happening quickly.
the transition in the 1980s, when Much more quickly than we thought
economic reasons (the oil crisis) just a few years ago. If we look at
caused us to shift the heating the price of solar electricity or off-
sector from coal and oil to today’s shore wind power, technological
use of waste and bioenergy. Energy developments have given us ever
efficiency is another area in which we lower costs, meaning that these new
have begun to take action and where technologies are the most profitable
new technology is enabling us to ways to produce electricity in many
make better use of waste heat from places. Both technology and politics