Page 64 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 64

64  Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation


Sweden on the route to
100 percent renewables

By Anne Vadasz Nilsson, Director General, The Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate

After a broad political agreement, Sweden has set an ambitious target of 100 percent
renewable electricity production by 2040. Sweden’s tradition of combining good governance,
regulation, well-functioning markets and innovation for fast-tracking progress in new or
demanding areas will be vital for this undertaking. We are convinced that demand side flexibility
and efficient and interconnected markets are key components for a successful transformation
of the energy system.

Sweden is well endowed                   electricity production and therefore    wind conditions and abundance of
             with hydro resources, with  most of the renewable expansion         sparsely populated areas have also
             the bulk of hydro power     will come through solar and wind,       contributed to the development.
             plants installed in the     sources that are inherently volatile    Recently the Swedish Parliament has
first half of the 20th century. Today,   in their electricity output. This is    decided to increase and extend the
most of the rivers and streams are       a notable change in the Swedish         certificate scheme with an extra 18
dammed and controlled and there          energy landscape that for decades       TWh until 2030. This will set Sweden
is a broad political agreement not to    has relied on hydro and nuclear         even more on the route towards
exploit the remaining rivers. Hence,     power production. Some of the           2040 and the 100 percent target.
only limited hydro resources remain      increased volatility can be managed
to bolster the expansion of renewable    with existing hydro resources, but      ENERGY-ONLY
                                         more solar and wind will nonetheless    Since 1996 Sweden has had a
Photo: Robin Thunholm, Happify           create a more variable power supply.    well-functioning wholesale market
                                         Contrary to controllable sources,       model for the pricing of electricity
                                         this supply is not price sensitive as   and prices reflect supply and
                                         it produces electricity when the sun    demand. The energy-only model
                                         is shining or the wind is blowing, not  in combination with Sweden’s four
                                         when prices are high.                   bidding zones have been of utmost
                                                                                 importance in ensuring the right price
                                         In addition, the political push         signals for the efficient allocation of
                                         towards renewable electricity           power production and transmission.
                                         production and other global actions     Furthermore, we have a strong
                                         for a more sustainable energy           linkage between the wholesale
                                         future have contributed to reducing     prices and the retail market. Swedish
                                         the profitability of nuclear, and in    customers are among the most
                                         Sweden, this has resulted in the        active in Europe and tend to make
                                         decommissioning or moth balling         informed choices based on market
                                         of reactors. Instead wind power         signals. The existing market model
                                         has increased and especially large-     has served Sweden well and will be
                                         scale wind has shown a substantial      critically important for reaching the
                                         growth over the past years. This is     political goals. In addition, the green
                                         mostly due to the green certificate     certificate support scheme has been
                                         system - a common Swedish and           implemented in a market based way,
                                         Norwegian support scheme - but          which has minimized the detrimental
                                         also the result of shrinking variable   effects subsidies can have on market
                                         costs for renewables. Sweden’s good     efficiency.

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