Page 68 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 68

68  Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation


Clean Sky has taken off:
The story of the BLADE
project on laminar flow

By Tiit Jürimäe, Interim Executive Director, Clean Sky                                               research, the BLADE aircraft made
                                                                                                     its successful maiden flight on 26
       1March 2018: the National                                                                     September 2017. The aircraft flew
                                                                   Building Museum, Washington,      for 3 hours and 38 minutes between
                                                                   D.C. The reputable aviation       Tarbes and Toulouse in France. The
                                                                   magazine Aviation Week is         flight was a landmark achievement,
                                                          holding its 61st Annual Laureate           and the BLADE project itself is a
                                                          Awards ceremony recognising                great example of pan-European
                                                          achievements in Business, Defense,         cooperation in research to reduce
                                                          Space, and Commercial Aviation.            CO2. Under the leadership of Airbus,
                                                                                                     some 20 partners in eight European
                                                          In this final category, the Clean Sky      countries have worked together
                                                          flagship project BLADE (Breakthrough       to bring together the technologies
                                                          Laminar Aircraft Demonstrator in           needed and integrate all innovative
                                                          Europe) has won the much coveted           design, manufacturing and
                                                          Technology prize. This globally            assembly concepts, as well as flight
                                                          recognised award marks the                 measurement systems.
                                                          achievements of excellent European
                                                          research to reduce the environmental       On the outside the aircraft is fitted
                                                          footprint of aviation, under the auspices  with two differently manufactured
                                                          of the European Union’s Horizon 2020       outer-wings, allowing the test flights
                                                          research and innovation programme.         not only to verify the laminar airflow,
                                                                                                     but to compare the two different
                                                          As part of the Clean Sky Programme’s       manufacturing concepts selected for
                                                          Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft (SFWA)           the test campaign. Inside the aircraft
                                                          efforts, the BLADE project aims to         cabin, a novel and highly complex
                                                          prove that natural laminar flow can        flight-test-instrumentation station
                                                          be reliably and consistently achieved      was installed in order to acquire
                                                          under normal operational conditions        data from the array of sensors on
                                                          of aircraft in the air transport system,   the aircraft and measure the airflow
                                                          thereby reducing wing friction drag by     and the aircraft’s performance. The
                                                          50% and aircraft CO₂ emissions by up       extensive modifications to the A340-
                                                          to 5%.                                     300 test-bed aircraft took place
                                                                                                     during the course of a 16-month
                                                          The BLADE demonstrator aircraft,           period in Tarbes, with the support of
                                                          a heavily-modified Airbus A340, is         numerous partners across Europe.
                                                          the first test aircraft in the world
                                                          to combine a transonic laminar             On the wings, there are hundreds of
                                                          wing profile with a representative,        points to measure the waviness of
                                                          innovative structural design and           the surface to help Airbus’ engineers
                                                          manufacturing process.                     ascertain its influence on the airflow

                                                          Following a decade of dedicated

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