Page 67 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 67

Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation    67

                                                 SUSTAINABLE AVIATION

CEF has been and will remain             that neither multiplicity of the
the corner stone of the transition       instruments, nor a promising amount
towards a more environmentally-          allocated for each of them are per se
friendly transport sector. While its     guarantee of the success of the next
specific direct contribution to the      MFF. The Commission promised a
aviation sector may seem limited         modern, simple and flexible budget
compared to its amount for the           and I should hope we deliver on this
other sectors, the implementation        in the interinstitutional negotiations:
of the Single European Sky is its first  the objectives and the budget
horizontal priority and the role of the  should be clear for its beneficiaries,
SESAR project in this respect is not     red tape must be cut and the tools
to be questioned. The first figures      at our disposal must be flexible –
communicated early May indicate          CEF in this regard has been quite
that the Commission proposes a           well-performing in the last years
slight increase of the total budget for  and funds have been effectively
CEF compared to the previous period,     reallocated from one call to another.
for the benefit of the energy sector
and regrettably at the expense of the    With respect to the specificities
transport sector.                        of the aviation sector, a particular
                                         attention will need to be paid in the
In addition to CEF and equally – if      next MFF to the complementarity
not more – relevant for the aviation     of the CEF and the Horizon Europe
sector, the Commission emphasised        programme, the nature of the
that the new research programme          financial instruments and the funding
Horizon Europe will benefit from         rates foreseen. I should also hope
an unprecedented amount of               that a greater importance be given to
€97.6 billion. The programme is          the dialogue with and between the
designed around three pillars            industry and the research centres.
directly supporting researchers and      Policy makers will not themselves
supporting the transition towards a      cut on the emissions in the aviation
clean mobility is one of its explicit    sector – and this should not even be
objectives.                              our objective: researchers and the
                                         industry will do so. Our role, on the
Lastly, InvestEU is taking over the      contrary, is to set the right guidelines
Juncker Plan and will be the new         and conditions for the sector to be
integrated investment fund. It will      in the capacity to deliver through
integrate into one streamlined           innovation and the development of
structure all the centrally managed      the appropriate technology.
financial instruments. The proposed
contribution from the EU budget          Negotiations to achieve the right
should reach €15.2 billion to trigger    financial framework in the coming
an expected €650 billion of additional   months will be crucial for the
investment across the EU. If so far      transformation of the transport
in the current programming period,       sector, including for the aviation
transport projects only accounted for    sector which is still often considered
8% of the total investment approved      as being reluctantly dragged behind
by the EFSI, digital transformation      in the fight against climate change.
and sustainable infrastructure are       The air sector understood that
key objectives of the InvestEU, which    reducing emissions is no longer a
opens opportunities awaiting to be       choice but a key component for its
grasped for innovation in the aviation   competitiveness and in the context
sector.                                  of intense worldwide competition
                                         that we know, the European aviation
With these figures in mind, and          sector can certainly not afford that
regardless of the appreciation           time and resources be lost and that
we make of it, one should recall         opportunities be missed. l
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