Page 62 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 62

62  Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation


How to make everybody agree
on a 100% renewables

By Jakop Dalunde, MEP                  a suitable place for extensive solar    Swedish Parliament has agreed that
                                       energy programs.                        Sweden should be 100 % renewable
The idea that any advanced                                                     in 20 years and the industry is making
            economy can be run solely  Thus, when the Swedish Greens           big adjustments to reach it. How did
            with renewable energy has  first proposed a 100% renewable         we achieve this? I hope some lessons
            often – and Sweden is no   energy system we were at best           might be learned from our experience
exception here – been described as     met with ill-concealed laughter.        by other European politicians and
a fool's errand. Sweden in particular  The proposal was according to           popular movements, hoping to
should be bad testing ground for an    most commentators and politicians       achieve similar things in their own
energy system that is renewable in     supposed to be scientifically unviable  countries.
its entirety. Half of the year the     and economically disastrous. Yet,
country is too cold for most sensible  seven years later, our proposal has     First of all it was crucial that the
people, underscoring the need for      become official government policy.      majority of the parties in the Swedish
a reliable energy system. According    A large bipartisan majority of the      parliament came to share the
to popular opinion Sweden was                                                  overarching understanding of the
also supposed to be too dark to be                                             importance of 100% renewables.
                                                                               2/3 of the global emissions derive
                                                                               from the energy sector. To reach the
                                                                               targets from the Paris Agreement
                                                                               the emissions from the energy
                                                                               sector must be addressed. Luckily,
                                                                               the momentum given by the Paris
                                                                               Agreement, made other parties and
                                                                               actors more susceptible for real
                                                                               climate action.

                                                                               A determined but pragmatic green
                                                                               movement – willing to make allies
                                                                               of unexpected partners – is another
                                                                               key lesson for getting conservative
                                                                               parties and large sectors of the
                                                                               industry on board with the program.
                                                                               It is challenging to change an
                                                                               energy system quickly and business
                                                                               friendly politicians have traditionally
                                                                               been  understandably reluctant to
                                                                               adopt high renewable energy targets.

                                                                               By being pragmatic, we managed
                                                                               to show how demands for reduced
                                                                               climate impact are also an
                                                                               opportunity for Swedish companies,
                                                                               which are often the world’s leading
                                                                               producers of environmentally friendly
                                                                               products and services. Presenting

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