Page 65 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 65

Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation  65

                                                        SWEDEN ENERGY

To reach the political targets in the  Our simulations show that efficient     Contact information
best possible way it is important      utilization of existing and upcoming
to maintain the focus on well-         interconnectors between the             The Swedish Energy Markets
functioning markets and market         Nordic countries and the                Inspectorate is a regulatory
efficiency while managing the          continent is of vital importance        authority which strives to enable
challenges of more volatile power      for stimulating more renewable          well-functioning energy markets.
production. This can be done through   power production.
creating frameworks that support                                     
and stimulate the use of smart         In 2016 the Swedish Energy Markets
technologies and customers’ and        Inspectorate performed a study          Email:
other actors’ active participation in  on the potential of demand side
the market.                            flexibility and important conclusions
                                       were reached. For example, the
Above all it is important to apply     analysis showed that there was a
the right regulatory framework to      substantial potential in household
make the transition possible while     heating as a flexibility resource, due
maintaining market efficiency. We      to the inherent inertia and heat
are convinced that the current         holding-capacity in the material of
market model is flexible enough to     the houses. To realize this potential,
incorporate the growing amount of      customers need hourly metering and
wind and solar power if the market     hourly settlement, and this can be
rules adapt to the new realities.      provided with smart metering and
Demand side flexibility and the        a proactive regulation. In the latter
utilization of existing and planned    case, the Swedish Energy Markets
interconnectors are important parts    Inspectorate as a regulator has a
of the solution.                       key role to play and has already
                                       made legislative suggestions to the
Sweden has one of Europe’s             government in this area.
highest interconnection ratios with
many over-head and under-sea           There are additional challenges that
cables to neighboring countries. In    need to be addressed before we
addition to transporting electricity,  can reach the target of 100 percent
interconnectors can function as        renewable electricity production
enablers of competition across         by 2040, but we are convinced that
national borders as they are moving    Sweden can reach this goal while
power to where it is best needed.      maintaining an effective market
The European Internal Energy Market    model where supply and demand
relies on optimal use of existing      determine the price. This is a market
international interconnectors as well  that brings benefits to customers
as new interconnectors being built in  and that is welfare enhancing for the
the right places.                      society as a whole. l
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