Page 54 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 54

54  Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation


Building an ocean energy industry
a European success story

By Rémi Gruet, CEO, Ocean Energy Europe
Ocean energy is steadily marching towards industrialisation in Europe, with major milestones
achieved in the last 12 months. Recognising the pan-European opportunity, the EU has
championed the sector. Visibility on volumes and prices are now needed to set the industry on
a cost reduction pathway, and ultimately compete with established renewables such as
offshore wind.

STEADY MARCH TOWARDS                    hours in March 2018. In April 2018,     Europe’s electricity needs. That’s as
INDUSTRIALISATION                       its owner, Atlantis Resources,          much as electricity as wind energy
Just off the northern tip of Scotland,  announced that the turbines have        produced in the EU last year.
four 24m-tall turbines sit on the       been approved for production for the
seabed, quietly producing electricity   next 25 years.                          Europe will need new sources of
from the predictable turning of the                                             clean energy in the coming decades
tides. To date, the Meygen tidal farm   Further north, the Shetland Tidal       to keep up with demand. This is
has generated over 6 gigawatt hours     Array is replacing emission-heavy       driven by mega-trends like the
of electricity, including 1.4 gigawatt  diesel generation and preparing for     roll-out of electric vehicles, electric
                                        further build-out with the support      heating, and the retirement of
                                        of Horizon 2020. In France, Naval       old power plants. The European
                                        Energies will soon complete the         Commission forecasts a 1% annual
                                        world’s first tidal turbine factory in  increase in electricity demand from
                                        Cherbourg, capable for delivering 25-   2020-2050 - the reality is likely to be
                                        50 turbines per year.                   much more dramatic. Like it’s older
                                                                                brother wind, ocean energy can be
                                        These major success stories are         ramped up fast and help meet this
                                        proof that ocean renewable energy       increase. It is thus key to the EU’s
                                        continues its steady march towards      future electricity mix.
                                        industrialisation in Europe. We are
                                        building a new industry from the        But on the 21st century electricity
                                        ground up.                              grid, it’s not just about how much
                                                                                electricity you can produce, it’s
                                        EUROPE NEEDS OCEAN ENERGY               also about when you can produce
                                        Ocean energy can be a mainstream        it. In this regard, ocean energy is a
                                        provider of electricity. Our seas and   clear winner: Tides determined by
                                        coastlines boast some of the most       the moon thousands of years in
                                        powerful wave and tidal resource in     advance make it highly predictable.
                                        the world - an untapped wealth of       Waves follow the wind, and remain
                                        energy. And it will be needed to fully  strong three hours after the wind
                                        decarbonise the power sector, and       has stopped blowing. Ocean thermal
                                        meet the EU’s commitments under         energy conversion (OTEC) and salinity
                                        the Paris Agreement.                    gradient power generate energy 24/7.

                                        The industry plans to build 100GW       Building ocean energy projects will
                                        of production capacity in Europe        greatly add to overall stability of the
                                        by 2050: enough to meet 10% of          electricity grid.

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