Page 50 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 50
50 Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation
Figure 2: Overview of long-term transition in the German iSPF (Source: BMWi)
Flanders, which compiles a unique The Woningpas will also make it heating bills, energy consumption
integral digital file of each individual possible for public authorities to and CO2-emissions. The roadmap
building. The file can be retrieved track their progress towards a highly has been designed to be a user-
by the building owner, but also by efficient housing stock by 2050. A first friendly tool that includes both
individuals who have been authorised version of the Woningpas (Light) will short and long-term measures
access. The logbook features energy be launched this year. and suggests ways to avoid lock-in
performance, renovation advice, the effects. As about 85% of the energy
housing quality (such as stability, Another interesting example renovation measures funded in
humidity, safety), data on the is the overview of the German Germany concern only one building
environment. In the future, other renovation roadmap (Individueller component, the roadmap puts a
building aspects will be added, such Sanierungsfahrplan), which outlines strong focus on staged renovation
as durability, water, installations and the different renovation steps and and the interdependences between
building permits. associated benefits, such as lower the stages.