Page 48 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 48
48 Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation
Building Renovation Passport:
the roadmap to a low-carbon
building stock
By Jonathan Volt, Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE)
The European Union’s this task, as buildings accounts for ENERGY RENOVATIONS IN THE EU:
climate and energy more than one third of the region’s THE KNOWLEDGE BARRIER
goals entail a deep total CO2-emissions. The challenge Drastically reducing the energy
transformation of the is amplified by the composition of need of a building is a complex
building stock. A review of Energy the housing stock, which is utterly process in which many things
Performance Certificate (EPC) data diverse, in terms of age, building can go wrong, and often do. For
reveals that approximately 97% components and characteristics, instance, many homeowners seek
of all buildings in the EU must design, heating system and source, advice from neighbours and friends
be upgraded by 2050 to become etc. No silver bullet exists as no rather than from professionals or
“future-proof”. It would be hard single plan can be applied to all existing energy advice tools
to overestimate the importance of buildings. (such as EPCs), often leading to