Page 46 - European Energy Innovation - summer 2018 publication
P. 46

46  Summer 2018 European Energy Innovation


Advanced power electronics
empowers the Baltic Sea region

The novel technologies behind advanced power electronics        institutions. This enables companies throughout the
allow for more than 50% in energy savings by reducing           Baltic Sea Region to gain the latest knowledge and
energy losses at all stages of the energy supply chain.         information within their field, while the research institutes
Next generation large onshore and offshore windmills,           get a chance to create long-lasting relationships and
large solar power plants as well as virtually all modern        to commercialise their research. This win-win situation
electrically driven cars require advanced power electronics     leads to a dynamic business and innovation eco system
to function reliably and efficiently; thus, advanced power      which, in turn, creates jobs and growth in the entire Baltic
electronics is one of the key drivers for the reduction of the  Sea Region. The strong collaboration with industry is
CO2 footprint in the Baltic Sea Region and worldwide.           witnessed through the nearly 200 companies that already
                                                                have actively participated in the project. In addition, the
Power Electronics for Green Energy Efficiency                   project has activated seven technology transfer partners
(Green PE) is a project that accelerates the market uptake      in the Baltic Sea countries with access to more than 7000
of advanced power electronics by small and medium               companies in the BSR in total. l
sized companies in the Baltic Sea Region for conversion,
transmission and consumption of energy and thus                 Advanced power electronics                                 7000 COMPANIES
supports a seamless transition towards a green society                                                                                     ACCESSED VIA 7
which uses clean, secure and efficient energy. The project                    196 ACTIVELY                                                 TECH-TRANS
is built on a cross-sector consortium consisting of seven                                                PARTICIPATING                     ORGANISATIONS
research institutions, eighteen companies from the energy                                                COMPANIES
supply chain as well as seven partners from business
development associations, technology transfer institutions      17 PROJECT
and cluster organisations. It is led by the Mads Clausen                PARTNERS
Institute of the University of Southern Denmark.

As one major milestone in the project, a technology and          innovation via new materials
product roadmap with regional specialisation has been
developed and spread across the Baltic Sea Region via           © Map: Interreg Baltic Sea Region ı graphics: SDU NanoSYD
dedicated matchmaking measures. To proceed from
road mapping to applications, the project carries out           Contact      SDU | Mads Clausen Institute
showcases in some of the most relevant energy sectors           information
for the region, namely renewable energies, e-mobility
and low-energy smart buildings. The showcases directly
involve companies and research institutions. Within
renewable energies, the utilisation of new sources for
renewable energies (large scale photovoltaics, offshore
wind and large-scale bioenergy) requires radical changes
in the power electronics modules on the element (e.g.,
transistor) level. For the realisation of e-mobility as an
alternative to conventional car technology, a radical
new concept of car electronics, electrics and control
is required, asking for power train-integrated advanced
power electronics components. Finally, within the smart
efficient building sector, new energy efficiency solutions
require user participation, active feedback control and
sophisticated (e.g., window- or wall-integrated) power

The Green PE project has an intense focus on building
strong relationships between industry and research

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