Page 73 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
P. 73

Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation    73

                                                     GERMANY ENERGY

Four single family homes built to the Passive House Standard: Left: The worldwide first Passive House in
Darmstadt, Germany, was built by Dr Feist in 1991. It received a photovoltaic system in 2015 (©Peter Cook).
2nd Left: A Passive House in Bavaria, Germany in front of a pittoresque setting (©Lebensraum Holz). 2nd Right:
This family home in Leeds demonstrates just how versatile a Passive House can look like (©Eric Parks). Right: A
Passive House in Asturia, Spain. Its roof is covered with greenery, it uses solar power to generate electricity and
also recycles rainwater (©Carmen Delgado).

the world; a highly energy-efficient    Standard itself has been further          cover a high percentage of their
building standard that offers its       developed: in 2014, the Passive House     energy demand, despite the lower
users the benefits of high comfort      Institute extended the standard to        solar radiation. Connection to highly
and lower running costs, while          include the Passive House Plus and        efficient heat pumps makes particular
contributing to climate protection      Passive House Premium classes,            sense here.
through low heating demand. To          in order to take into account the
date, more than one million square      generation of renewable energy. The       Energy transition
meters of Passive House Standard        two concepts fit together very well:      Yet another plus point to Passive
real estate has been built worldwide.   energy efficiency and renewable           Houses: Due to their excellent
For the most part, this development     energy are a perfect match.               thermal insulation, such buildings
has taken the form of residential                                                 cool down very slowly in winter
buildings, but the Passive House        Renewables and Passive House              Efficiency, thermal inertia and the
Standard has also been successfully     If a building is erected and the site     possibility of generating renewable
applied to hotels, schools,             area is thus deprived of another use,     energy make the Passive House a
kindergartens, sports centres,          it makes sense to use the roof and        central component of a successful
supermarkets, offices and factory       facade areas for the production of        energy transition.
buildings.                              renewable energy. However, this is
                                        done in most cases with photovoltaic      The oil crisis of the seventies is
Large-scale Passive Houses              panels, which in the winter produce       long gone. Climate protection is the
Examples of note include: the world’s   little electricity due to low solar       challenge of our time. The Passive
first Passive House hospital currently  radiation. Here, in turn, the minimal     House Standard is a solution that has
under construction in Frankfurt,        wintertime energy consumption of          proven itself and can be implemented
Germany; and the world’s tallest        Passive Houses pays off, because          in the building sector without delay
Passive House high-rise, standing       the photovoltaic system can still         on large scale - let's go for it! l
at 88 metres in Bilbao, Spain. The
Bahnstadt in Heidelberg is currently     About the author
the largest Passive House district,
and has served as a precedent for         Dr Benjamin Krick is an architect
a similar scheme to the south of          by training, having focused his
Beijing, China. Once the latter and       doctoral research on sustainable
further large scale projects in China     building. As a senior scientist at the
have been completed, the two million      Passive House Institute, he chairs
square metre mark will have been hit.     the working group for international
                                          Passive House Component
Perfect match                             Certification.
At the same time the Passive House
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