Page 72 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
P. 72

72  Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation


Energy efficient buildings
technology in Germany

By Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Krick (pictured), Passive House Institute Darmstadt, Germany

Under the influence of the                    Climate protection                       Components available today
               oil crisis of the 1970s, more  Climate protection was the primary       In 1991, when the world's first Passive
               than 40 years ago, the first   goal of Dr. Wolfgang Feist when          House was built under the scientific
               laws regarding thermal         he developed the Passive House           direction of Dr. Feist in Darmstadt,
 protection in buildings were issued          Standard for extremely energy            this was all just theory. Practical
 in Germany. The main aim was to              efficient buildings in the early 1990s.  implementation was a challenge,
 ensure the general energy supply by          The Passive House Standard was           mainly because the energy-efficient
 using fossil resources sparingly. Since      devised to drastically reduce the        components available on the market
 then, the laws have been updated             heat loss of a building and thereby      today did not exist at that time. For
 and gradually tightened. Regrettably,        minimise its energy demand. The          example, the windows were made in
 legal requirements have become less          simple physics: If a building is         handwork and thermally improved
 and less ambitious in Germany since          thermally insulated very well, to        on-site with polyurethane foam
 the mid-1990s.                               the point that the little additional     insulating shells. Another novelty was
                                              heat required can be provided via        the triple glazing of the windows,
 Low energy demand                            the supply air of the ventilation        which was used for the first time in
 As of 2019, all EU Member States             system, then a central heating and       this Passive House pilot project. As of
 are bound to implement the                   distribution system in its classical     today, investment costs for Passive
 European Building Directive EPBD. In         form can be omitted. The possibility     House and standard windows, for
 Germany however, the nearly zero             of omitting the classical heating        example, are becoming more and
 energy standard defined is below             and distribution system starts with      more similar.
 the necessary for effective climate          a heat load of maximum 10 W/m²,
 protection and below the level that          which corresponds to a heating           Applied worldwide
 would be economically reasonable.            demand of 15 kWh/(m²a); the best-        What started out in the early 1990s
 Both are at the expense of the               known characteristic value of Passive    in Darmstadt is spreading with
 climate and future generations.              Houses.                                  increasing momentum throughout

Figure 1: Primary energy demand and mean U-values according to the German legal framework compared to the
passive house.

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