Page 67 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
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Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation 67
equality and participation are FROM RISING FOSSIL FUEL PRICES
very important in the case of the
Energiewende. They encompass Imagine that you were told that, for climate protection reasons, you had to pay more
aspects like sufficient access to for driving a car with a petrol or diesel engine, flying, or heating with oil or gas.
energy for everybody, securing tenants’ What would your reaction be?
rights when landlords decide to
carry out energy upgrades to their 28 I I could accept that. 2018 46 I I could only accept that
properties, distributing the costs of [%]
the transformation in a way that is 13 I I would find that if my financial burden was
perceived to be fair, and the expansion eased in other areas.
of onshore wind capacities. Where CO2 unacceptable
pricing is concerned, a broad majority because I cannot afford it. 1 I Don’t know.
(77%) believes that higher charges
for driving a car with a combustion 12 I I find that unacceptable
engine, flying, or heating with oil or
gas are acceptable if they contribute in principle.
to climate protection. However, half
of the population (46%) would like (n = 6.476) | Source: IASS/dynamis 2018
to see those charges balanced out
by some form of financial relief in that the independent expert For more information contact:
another area (see figure 2). commission charged with observing
the monitoring process has, in its Dr Bianca Schröder
The Barometer’s findings on public statement on the latest Monitoring Press and Communications
participation also suggest that the Report, proposed new indicators Officer
success of the Energiewende is to highlight the significance of the Institute for Advanced
anything but a foregone conclusion. “social dimension” for the further Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS)
Most people want to take part in it, implementation of the energy Berliner Straße 130
but many are sceptical about the transition and alerted the government 14467 Potsdam
opportunities and parameters for to the need for action on this front. Germany
doing so. Much more needs to be In the case of two of those indicators
done in terms of communication, (overall support for the Energiewende Tel: +49 (0) 331-28822-341
education, and financial support and satisfaction with the way it is Mobile: +49 (0) 151-12019041
to empower all sections of the being implemented), the experts Email: bianca.schroeder@
population in this regard. draw on the Social Sustainability
Barometer. Web:
Conclusion Twitter: @IASS_Potsdam
There is a growing consensus that It is safe to assume that the issue
the Energiewende will not succeed of fairness will play an increasingly
without the broad approval and important role as the implementation
involvement of the population. But of the Energiewende proceeds. The
there is little evidence that this insight Barometer may not deliver concrete
is shaping policymaking in tangible policy recommendations, but it is
ways. We urgently need to rethink a valuable source of data that can
our approach here. To date, the guide policymakers as they rise to
implementation of the Energiewende the challenges this transformation
has been dictated far too much presents. l
by economic and technological
considerations. In the Energiewende Reference
Monitoring Report published annually
by the Federal Ministry for Economic Setton, D., Matuschke, I., Renn, O. 2017/ Social Sustainability Barometer
Affairs and Energy (BMWi), only two for the German Energiewende 2017: Core statements and summary of
social indicators (employment and the key findings. – IASS Study, November 2017.DOI:
affordability) are mentioned.
That’s why we welcome the fact