Page 70 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
P. 70
70 Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation
dena Study
Integrated Energy Transition
Executive Summary
The dena study combines the corridor requires very far-reaching Synthetic renewable energy
energy industry analyses with a strategies, a decision on the climate carriers complement energy
comprehensive discourse protection targets sought must efficiency and the expansion of
The dena Study Integrated Energy be made in this legislative period. renewable power generation
Transition develops and compares This is the only way to foster the The reduction of final energy
transformation paths for the energy development and widespread market consumption through comprehensive
system in Germany to achieve the introduction of the necessary new energy efficiency efforts in all sectors
climate policy targets of the German technologies in the individual sectors (efficiency gains in industry alone 26
government by 2050. It outlines paths in a timely manner. to 33 per cent until 2050) as well as
using an innovative, cross-sectoral the expansion of renewable energy
scenario approach. At the same A broad mix of energy sources are two key facts to achieve the
time, it builds on the deep industry enables more cost-effective and climate targets. The third decisive
knowledge of more than 60 study robust transformation paths factor is the use of synthetic
partners from all relevant sectors as The transformation paths explored renewable energy carriers, most of
well as on the continuous exchange in the dena study assuming a broad which are imported into Germany.
with key players from politics, society mix of technologies and energy In 2050, these energy carriers will
and science. The aim is to review and sources are under the assumptions cover between 150 and 900 TWh/a
supplement energy industry analyses made more cost-effective by up in all areas of application where
with assessments of implementation to €600 billion until 2050 than cutting emissions by using renewable
challenges and social issues. those that focus more heavily on electricity directly is either impossible
electricitybased applications. or very difficult. At the same time,
With increased efforts in all these ‘Green Power Fuels’ close gaps
sectors, the Paris targets can be The use of existing energy that could arise in the future due to
achieved infrastructures in their diversity implementation obstacles (such as
Generally speaking, it is possible to allows these transformation paths acceptance for new wind turbines).
reduce greenhouse gas emissions more flexible approaches to solutions
by 80 per cent as well as by 95 paths, such as capitalising on A reliable planning horizon turns
per cent by 2050. However, this technological developments by 2050 the necessary structural change
requires significantly more far- that cannot yet be foreseen. into an opportunity to modernise
reaching measures in all sectors than In addition to the much-discussed
previously planned with a high degree The expansion and integration changes in the coal industry, the
of commitment from all participants, of renewable energies must be structural change associated with
an appropriate political framework, accelerated the transformation will also affect
as well as a public discussion on the Until 2050, an expansion of many other sectors and industries in
distribution of the costs of the energy renewable power generation capac- the future. For example, ambitious
transition. It’s not enough to simply ities averaging up to 8.5 gigawatts climate targets might fundamentally
keep doing what we are doing. annually (GW/a) is required. In order change the highly integrated value-
to make this possible, the existing added network of the basic chemical
Even rigorously pursuing current expansion corridor must be enlarged material industry. In the automotive
developments, such as expanding and availability of the necessary industry, the change in propulsion
renewable energy, would only reduce land areas has to be ensured by technologies will not only affect the
greenhouse gas emissions by 62 the federal states. The further major vehicle manufacturers, but
per cent by the year 2050. Since the development of the market design also a large number of small and
possible transformation paths and and grid regulation is the basis for medium-sized suppliers.
associated reduction of greenhouse optimally integrating renewable
gases in the sectors already clearly energys into the system on a regional It therefore requires a political
differ in 2030 and the upper edge of and national level. framework that provides longterm