Page 71 - European Energy Innovation - winter 2018 publication
P. 71

Winter 2018 European Energy Innovation  71

                                                                                  GERMANY ENERGY

reliable incentives for reducing           energy consumption of transport            Leeway to make decisions and
carbon emissions and enables a             in order to reduce total energy            participation promote social
marketbased innovative optimisation        consumption and significantly              acceptance
across sector boundaries that is           increase the proportion of renewable       The next phase of the energy
open to a range of technologies. The       energy in the transport sector.            transition will affect citizens more
necessary policy decisions on energy                                                  than today – through distribution
infrastructures must be made in good       Electricity as well as gaseous and         issues of energy transition costs
time, to, for example, further develop     liquid fuels must be 100 per cent          as well as structural changes and
the gas infrastructure or to build an      based on renewable energy sources          how they affect each person’s own
infrastructure for hybrid trolley trucks.  in the future. At the same time, new       working and living environment.
                                           mobility strategies are needed to          They are challenged to muster the
Building stock and energy sector           curb the further increase in traffic       necessary private investments as
require the highest investments            and, at best, reduce traffic altogether.   well as to accept and accelerate the
A successful energy transition will        Overall, the transport, energy and IT      changes with energy applications,
require continued high investments         infrastructures must be planned in a       such as in the field of mobility.
by all building owners over the next       much more integrated manner across         Politicians now face the task of
three decades when it comes to             the sectors and the fee and taxation       continuously tracking and highlighting
refurbishing their building stock, along   systems must be aligned with the           the opportunities of the large-scale
with increasing the refurbishment          energy transition targets.                 energy transition project. Citizens
rate from 1.0 to at least 1.4 per cent.                                               themselves need sufficient leeway to
Stimulating and consolidating this         A successful energy transition             take action as well as participate and
investment dynamics requires a             is embedded in international               design options for their investment
carefully selected mix of incentive-       developments                               decisions.
focussed instruments, which                A sustainable energy system
emphasise stimulus over compulsory         in Germany requires balancing              The dena Study Integrated Energy
regulations, must be constantly            possibilities of a further-developed       Transition was conducted by the
reviewed and, if necessary, adapted.       common European electricity market,        Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) –
                                           an international trade for synthetic       the German Energy Agency – along
Extensive balancing effects within         renewable energy carriers (Power           with scientific experts and more
Germany and the European                   Fuels) and a further decrease in cost      than 60 companies and industry
integrated grid will be required for       of key energy transition technologies      associations from all sectors involved
an efficient electricity system with       due to global demand. The energy           in the energy transition, including
very high proportions of renewable         transition can only succeed if it is also  energy providers, grid operators,
energy sources. In order to achieve        a success in terms of industrial and       consultancy firms and industrial
this, investments must be made in          economic policy. On the one hand,          companies from all sectors as well as
the transmission and distribution          this requires instruments to protect       industry associations.
grids beyond the existing network          German industry from competi-
development plan by 2030. In               tive disadvantages due to German           The study partners worked together to
addition to the continuous expansion       climate protection requirements            define and explore various scenarios,
of renewable power generation,             (carbon leakage protection), which         opportunities for development and
new investments in gas-fired power         are higher than in other countries,        interdependencies. Scientific experts
plants are needed in alignment with        and international agreements for           modelled the scenarios. After an
neighbouring European countries.           global trade. On the other hand, the       interim conclusion in October 2017,
They ensure security of supply             growing global demand for energy           the transformation trajectories were
when the guaranteed capacity from          transition technologies also offers        once again discussed, revised and
nuclear power plants is no longer          export opportunities for the German        calculated. The final version was
available and the guaranteed capacity      companies.                                 published in June 2018. l
from coal-fired power plants is only
available to a limited extent.             For further information please contact:

The energy transition in transport         Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)
is based on several pillars
The electrification of propulsion          German Energy Agency      Tel.: +49 (0)30 66 777-757
technologies is a major driver of the
energy transition in the transport         Christoph Jugel           E-mail:
sector – but it is not alone. A major
factor is the reduction of the specific    Director, Energy Systems
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