Page 14 - European Energy Innovation magazine - autumn 2022 edition
P. 14
Autumn 2022 European Energy Innovation
Powering GREEN Energy
Transition in Mediterranian rural
communities through social
and territorial innovation
nergy transition alredy mark Despite the fact that urban areas are populations due to lower incomes
the political agenda in the UE the most densely populated, rural and higher poverty rates, combined
Members States, not only by areas represent more extension of with lower educational and
Ethe commitments achieved, European territory than urban areas. employment opportunities and
but also by the urgency of Climate In the case of the MED area, this is an aging population increase the
Change hazards. not the exception, an important part vulnerability of rural communities.
of the territory of Portugal, Spain, Declining public and private services
The Mediterranean region is France, Italy or Greece is considered in rural areas and remoteness and
particularly vulnerable to climate as rural typology of regions (Eurostat limited access also means higher car
change, being one of the world’s 2021). dependency. Consequently, some
most rapidly warming regions (rise rural regions will likely experience
of temperatures, sea level rise and Rural regions are diverse and highly employment losses and shifts, which
scarcity of water and resources). influenced by their specific natural need to be compensated. Ensuring
Environmental degradation and endowments. Their development path an energy transition requires
overexploitation of natural resources is different from urban areas. Rural measures, tools to alleviate
poses additional challenges for the regions are often characterised by a negative consequences and help
regional development. Energy supply lower population and development firms, employees and regions to
is one of the priorities for Europe density, as well as a high proportion reorient.
and Mediterranen regions , and most of natural assets and agricultural
of the efforts should be oriented on land . The Interreg MED Renewable
renewables as the principal energy Energy project brings new ideas
source option to support. The Rural areas face unique transition and initiatives for energy transition
communities and institutions of the challenges, highlighting the not only at scientific field but also for
Mediterranean countries are now at importance of a just transition. economy and social development.
a crossroad to turn this challenging Physical isolation, limited economic The aim of the project is to boost
situation into an opportunity. diversity, high rates of vulnerable and mainstream the green energy