Page 16 - European Energy Innovation magazine - autumn 2022 edition
P. 16

Autumn 2022 European Energy Innovation
               16    BIOGAS AND BIOMETHANE

            A new policy context for

            assessing biogas and


            By Peter Zeniewski, Energy Analyst at International Energy Agency (IEA)

                    he EU’s biogas and       and environmental regulations.   procedures, factory-style fabrication
                    biomethane industry is   The EU plan encourages national   of standardised biodigesters and
                    growing, and has been    biomethane strategies to evaluate   related equipment, dedicated biogas
            Tgiven a large boost by          potential and identify barriers to   fi nancing facilities, and robust
            the RePowerEU plan, which aims   production as well as enabling   support schemes such as quotas,
            to achieve a target of at least 35   conditions at the local and national   feed-in tariffs, and contracts for
            bcm (350 TWh) annual biomethane   levels. It also suggests an integration   difference, in addition to an EU-
            production by 2030.              of biomethane into an EU-wide    wide system for low-carbon gases
                                             strategy for rural development and   certifi cation.
            There are many EU and national   local job creation, including the use
            policies already in place that   of energy communities and farmers   Potential and costs of biomethane
            support biogas and biomethane,   cooperatives.                    in the EU
            and several near-term actions are                                 The IEA has produced country-level
            proposed in the RePowerEU plan to   The growth in biomethane production   estimates of the feedstock potential
            support its development. An industry   envisioned in the RePowerEU plan   within the European Union, using
            partnership has been proposed    would imply a 40% average annual   Eurostat, FAO and World Bank data.
            that would serve as a platform for   growth rate from 2023-30 compared   The largest potential lies in Germany,
            public-private engagement and the   to 17% between 2015-2021. Factors   France, Spain and Italy, owing to their
            sharing of best practices around   that could accelerate growth   size, population and relatively large
            permitting, fi nancing, incentives   include streamlined permitting   gross agricultural output. Comparing

            Biogas and biomethane production in the European Union by type and feedstock
                                    Biogases by type                         Biogases use by feedstock
                     250                                         250
                     200                                         200

                     150                                         150

                     100                                         100

                      50                                          50

                            2010       2015       2021                  2010       2015       2021
                                                                       Agricultural sources  Municipal sources
                            Biogas         Biomethane                  Industrial sources  Other/unknown

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