Page 17 - European Energy Innovation magazine - autumn 2022 edition
P. 17

Autumn 2022 European Energy Innovation
                                                                         BIOGAS AND BIOMETHANE         17

            potential to the size of the gas   One issue warranting further   Therefore, reserving crop residues
            market, the Nordic and Baltic States   investigation is the lifecycle emissions   for use in biogas production must
            have signifi cant quantities of available   of different biomethane production   be carried out as one part of a wider
            feedstock that can be converted   pathways. Key issues are the extent   agricultural and land management
            to biomethane, in some cases     to which open storage of cattle   plan. There are also prospects for
            exceeding annual natural gas demand   slurry or residual digestate from   the use of sequential crops for
            requirements.                    the production process leads to   biogases production, grown between
                                             signifi cant levels of fugitive methane   two harvested crops as a soil
            Our analysis suggests that 35 bcm   emissions. Other emissions might   management solution that helps to
            of biomethane can be produced in   arise from the collection, processing   preserve the fertility of soil, retain soil
            the EU for less than USD 20/MBtu, at   and transport of different biogas   carbon and avoid erosion. Sequential
            an average near USD 15/MBtu. This   feedstocks, which need to be   cropping has been tested at scale
            is below the prices seen since July   weighed against the CO2 emissions   in Italy through the BiogasDoneRight
            2021, but well above the average of   that arise during the production,   concept.
            the past decade. It also does not   processing and transport of natural
            include injection costs into pipelines   gas. On the other hand, some of the   Notwithstanding current record
            or compression/liquefaction costs   feedstocks that are used to produce   high gas prices, the production
            if transporting the gas in this way.   biomethane would decompose   and utilisation of biomethane
            These overall estimates depend on   and produce methane emissions   requires supportive access to
            three main cost elements: feedstock,   naturally if not captured by a biogas   fi nancing and incentives to become
            biodigesters and gasifi cation units   production process.         competitive. A large-scale biogas
            and grid connection costs.                                        project with a capacity of around
                                             On the logistics side, a very signifi cant   500 m /hr can cost approximately
            Key issues for scaling up        barrier to collection of cattle manure   €1.5 to 2 million.
            biomethane production            is an animal husbandry system
            There are several outstanding    whereby cattle are pasture grazed   Financing support is therefore
            considerations regarding the     for the majority of the year, making   necessary for many project sponsors,
            sustainability, cost and technical   manure collection diffi cult. If crop   but banks often lack technical
            characteristics of different     residues are chosen as the main   expertise in this area and there are
            biomethane production pathways,   feedstock, it is important to consider   few benchmarks to assess the unique
            and these will need to addressed   their use as animal feed, and the fact   risk/return profi le for biomethane
            in order to responsibly achieve the   that a signifi cant portion is kept in the   projects. These gaps can increase the
            biomethane production targets in   soil to maintain a sustainable amount   perception of risk, raising the cost of
            the EU.                          of nutrients and avoid soil erosion.   capital or reducing the loan tenures.

                Biogas and biomethane production in the European Union by sector and country
                                     Biogases by end use sector                Biogases consumption by country
                         250                                         250
                         200                                         200

                         150                                         150

                         100                                         100

                          50                                          50

                                2010       2015       2021                  2010       2015       2021

                         Electricity and heat  Industry and agriculture  Transport  Other  Germany  Italy  Spain  France  Denmark  Other

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