Page 39 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 39

Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation             39

                                                                                         FINLAND ENERGY

electricity remained at the level of       the use of renewable energy sources    which accounts for 76% of renewable
2015. Due to the mild winter, electricity  has increased 33 TWh (35%) since       energy. Hydropower was the second
production in CHP facilities remained      2005.                                  most significant source of renewable
at the previous year’s level, whereas                                             energy with 16 TWh or energy
production in condensation electric        Although the consumption of            produced. It constituted approximately
power plants that only produce             renewable energy increased in          13% of renewable energy. However,
electricity increased by 8%. At 2016,      comparison to 2015, its share of       compared to 2015, the amount of
the value of energy imports was            the total consumption and final        energy produced from hydropower
approximately EUR seven billion,           consumption decreased. This was        decreased due to the rainfall being
whereas exports amounted to EUR            due to the fact that the consumption   smaller than in the previous year.
four billion. Compared to 2015,            of renewable energy increased less     Wind power was used to produce
carbon dioxide emissions of electricity    than the consumption of energy         approximately 3 TWh of energy, which
production increased by 7%, which          from other sources in relation to      was 30% more than in 2015. Other
was caused largely by the 16%              the total consumption and final        renewable energy sources produced
increase in the use of coal.               consumption of energy. If industrial   slightly over 12 TWh. The most
                                           production continues active, also      significant were bioenergy, recovered
CONSUMPTION OF RENEWABLE                   energy consumption will increase. If   fuel and heat pumps. Solar energy,
ENERGY AT ALL-TIME HIGH                    we want to achieve the renewable       which has gained much attention in
In 2016, 127 TWh of renewable              energy consumption targets set by      public debate, constituted less than
energy was consumed, which is              the Government in the new energy       one per mille of renewable energy.
more than ever before. It is over          and climate strategy, growth should
34% of the overall consumption             become more rapid.                     TIMBER CHIP WILL FALL SHORT OF
and approximately 40% of the final                                                THE TARGET
consumption of energy. A more              WOOD IS NUMBER ONE                     The biggest challenge for reaching
accurate estimate of the proportion        Of all renewable energy sources, wood  Finland’s renewable energy target
of final consumption will be included      was the most significant, and for the  is the use of timber chip fuel. The
in the report on the consumption of        fifth consecutive year more important  target set in the renewable energy
renewable energy in Finland, required      than oil products. In 2016, 96 TWh of  programme for timber chip is to
by the European Commission. Overall,       energy was produced from wood fuels,   produce 25 TWh of energy in 2020.

Total consumption Toof teanlecrognysiunmenpetriogny soofuercneer2g0y1i6n(3e7n1erTgWy hs)ources 2016 (371 TWh)

                              Other 2                      Net imports of
                                                            electricity 19

            Nuclear power 68
Peat 15

                                                                                                               Wood fuels 76%

                                           Renewables 127

Fossil fuels 140                                                                                                 Hydro power 13%
                                                                                                               Other renewables 12%

                                                                                                                                         Wind power 2%
   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44