Page 43 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 43

Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation      43


The bad news is that we are extremely     system should be put in place as well       CONCEPT THAT COMBATS CLIMATE
poor and slow at deploying it. For        as being audited and verified on a          CHANGE AND BENEFITS LOCAL
the big part it has to do with the        regular basis. It has to be emphasized      PEOPLE AND SOCIETY
fact that the increasing population       that the idea is to incentivize the         There is a long history of afforestation
needs more and more resources and         afforestation as a supplementary tool       and reforestation activities worldwide,
agricultural land which, instead, causes  to sectoral and national activities.        from where good and bad lessons
deforestation. Globally, we are moving    It’s not intended to be a substitutive      learned should be drawn. One of
in the wrong direction, even though       method. Actions need to be taken            the main goals is to ensure that the
in some regions, like the Nordics, the    simultaneously and on all fronts.           afforested area remains and flourishes
forests are in fact growing.                                                          for years and decades to come. The
                                          LOW TECH SOLUTION                           fundamental key success factor is
CARBON FARMING                            In deserted or semi-deserted areas,         to create a concept that benefits
What can we do to get the global          a well-functioning irrigation system        local people and society. Firstly, land
afforestation pace at the level           is a prerequisite for success. Ideally,     ownership should be undisputable
required? The question is about           treated waste water, or, if not available,  and societal conditions should be
money. Carbon needs to be                 even with the help of solar power,          stable enough to enable long term
monetized, and in this case the           desalinated sea water can be used           investment. Concepts, where the
biologically sequestrated carbon.         to irrigate the plantation. There are       growing biomass offers a monetary
When the carbon has a price, the          plentiful successful case examples          value for local people, have proven
growing biomass has a value. With         to demonstrate that this is doable.         to be most successful in the history
value a company can have a business       In addition, globally, there are large      of afforestation. Perhaps, the most
case to invest in. We have named it       areas where Carbon Farming could            appealing approach is the so called
Carbon Farming. If the CO2 abatement      be fully deployed with or without a         Agro-forest concept. The idea is
cost of 150 €/t is taken as a reference,  limited amount of artificial irrigation     simply to combine large tree
there is a lucrative business case        requirement. Carbon Farming is an           plantations with crop farming. This
to invest in Carbon Farming. The          overlooked and underrated low-tech          is especially effective in arid areas,
measurement of sequestrated carbon        solution, just waiting to be deployed       where an Agro-forest offers an array of
needs to be done according to the         on a large scale.                           environmental and societal benefits,
IPCC guidelines. Naturally, a robust                                                  such as prevention of desertification,
and fully transparent management          REGULATION AS ENABLER                       increased food production and even
                                          In the EU we must create a regulative       decreased pressure on international
                                          framework that enables a cross              migration. For example, if the Agro-
                                          sectoral and geographically cross           forest concept could be successfully
                                          border flexibilities to mitigate climate    implemented in the Sahel area, it
                                          change by also enabling Carbon              would at best create decent living
                                          Farming. Practically, this means a          conditions which are so desperately
                                          structure where a part of the sectoral      needed in this region.
                                          and national GHG reduction target
                                          could be fulfilled with biological          Carbon Farming should not be
                                          carbon sequestration in the EU as           seen as a substitution to sectoral
                                          well as in other parts of the world.        decarbonization measures. It is a
                                          Climate change is a global problem,         supplementary, and paramount tool
                                          and the measures need to be taken           to fight climate change. It’s not about
                                          globally, regardless of where we            either or – it’s about both and more. l
                                          live, or where companies happen
                                          to be headquartered or where they             Contact Details:
                                          operate. This is well recognized in
                                          the Paris Agreement. Unfortunately,           Mika Aho
                                          the envisaged EU 2030 Effort Sharing          Director, Public Affairs
                                          regulation would specifically prevent         St1 Nordic Oy
                                          a cross sectoral and cross border             +358 50 500 2072
                                          approach to the extend needed to    
                                          make Carbon Farming a reality. We   
                                          are moving in the wrong direction. We
                                          must do a U-turn.
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