Page 45 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 45

Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation  45

                                          TRANSPORT DECARBONISATION

available on EGVI website:                The improvements in batteries               has to be done to reduce the cost of       technologies will be one of the key         batteries up to 75€/kWh by 2030, in
Joint-Electrification-of-Road-Transport-  area to accelerate the deployment of        line with the Action 7 of the SET-Plan
Roadmap-published.                        electric vehicles in the market. While      in order to make electromobility more
                                          the currently available batteries are       affordable for the end users.
EGVIA is fully committed to achieve       mainly based on Li Ion chemistry and
the White Paper objectives as well        will remain the most commonly used          To achieve the targets, all sectors
as to improve the air quality in cities,  solutions in the years to come, new         which contribute to the electrification
while also considering the continuous     generation of batteries will arise in the   of road transport will have to work
increase of passenger and freight         next 5 to 10 years onwards, providing       hand in hand in order to bring into
transport.                                even better performance and driving         the market the necessary innovations
                                          the transition towards electric mobility.   to reach this goal. This will require
Keeping in mind that there will be no                                                 of course a stronger collaboration
single solution fitting all applications  Research activities are still needed        between the automotive industry
and types of vehicles, electrification    to improve the energy and power             and the energy sector, as much
will bring a significant contribution to  density of batteries, while ensuring a      as developing a system approach
the decarbonisation of road transport     longer life-time and the possibilities of   allowing to take into account all
and improvement of air quality,           second life reuse for other applications    parameters impacting the largest
particularly in urban areas.              (i.e. stationary applications). More still  deployment of electromobility. l
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