Page 44 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 44

44  Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation


Research needs to tackle road

transport decarbonisation

By Josef Affenzeller, EGVIA Secretary General

The EU is facing various                Green Vehicles Initiative Association     • No compromise electric urban bus
            important challenges to     (EGVIA), with the support of the three        system
            be tackled in the decades   European Technology Platforms
            to come, in particular the  ERTRAC1, EPoSS2 and SmartGrids            • Sustainable electrified long-
decarbonisation of the European         updated its roadmap “Electrification          distance trucks and coaches
economy. The transport sector           of road transport” extending the
represents today almost a quarter of    outlook until 2030. The task of the       For each of these big initiative, the
the total Europe’s greenhouse gas       roadmap is to set the scene, give clear   updated version of the document
emissions and road transport accounts   objectives, and list the milestones that  aims at providing recommendations
for about 80% of all GHG emissions      require funding or policy actions at      for research and innovation activities,
related to transport.                   European level. It provides research,     under Horizon 2020 but beyond –
                                        development and innovation                also in view of the activities to be
To tackle this challenge, ambitious     roadmaps for the electrification of the   undertaken under the FP9.
goals have been defined by the White    different vehicle categories (passenger
Paper for transport published in 2011,  cars, 2-wheelers, buses and coaches,      All future research needs have been
calling for a CO2 reduction from the    trucks).                                  defined following a user-centric
transport sector by 60% in the year                                               approach, with the objective of
2050 compared to 1990 levels. This      The task force defined four big           extending vehicles’ range, reducing
was complemented with the signature     initiatives that should drive research    the cost while improving the
of the COP21 Agreement in Paris on      and innovation in the upcoming years:     charging procedures of vehicles
clean air quality in cities.                                                      (both in terms of time and charging
                                        • Operation system dependent EVs in       convenience) in order to increase the
To identify the research needed to          the urban environment                 attractiveness of these vehicles for the
tackle the decarbonisation challenge,                                             end users.
with the assumption of CO2 neutral      • User-friendly affordable LEV/EC
electricity production, the European        passenger car + infrastructures       The full version of the roadmap is

1 European Road Transport Advisory Council
2 European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration

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