Page 41 - European Energy Innovation - spring 2018 publication
P. 41
Spring 2018 European Energy Innovation 41
Finland is well on its way towards
carbon neutrality
By Henna Virkkunen, MEP, Finland
Negotiations regarding the factories has increased tremendously. Photo: Mikko Mäntyniemi
EU’s clean energy package Recently, Europe’s largest forestry
are at their final stages. investment came to fruition near my maintains a share of imported energy
The package sets goals for home when a new kind of bio product that exceeds half of its total energy
the year 2030 to meet the demands plant became operational. The plant consumption. Electricity produced
of the Paris climate agreement. These produces 2.5 times as much energy using nuclear power has been an
demands include increased self- as it spends and the plant alone raises important energy source for Finland’s
sufficiency and share of renewable Finland’s share of renewably energy by energy-intensive industries, and it
energy, considerable reduction of a whopping 2 percentage points. is classified as imported energy.
emissions and increased efficiency, In Finland, 18 percent of energy is
transparency and marked-basedness Currently the discussion on the EU produced via nuclear means. This
in the energy market. level focuses on whether the goal for share is unlikely to be reduced as
the share of renewable energy should Finland aims to replace imported
For my country Finland, these goals be 27 or 35 percent by 2030. Finland electricity with domestic nuclear
are a good fit. Finland has long been has already exceeded these numbers power. One new nuclear power plant
building a joint energy market and and we have decided to strive towards is currently under construction and
interconnectors together with other a 50 percent share of renewable another one is in the planning stages.
Nordic countries, and we have been energy by 2030.
purposefully increasing the share of In the future, Finland’s energy
low-emission energy sources. While emissions have been reduced production will rely even more
from their 1990 levels in all other heavily on low-emission energy
In fact, the strength of Finland’s energy sectors across the EU, they have sources, where renewable biomass,
policy lies in its relatively versatile increased in traffic. Finland is one nuclear power and hydro, solar and
energy palette. The country is not of only a few EU countries that now wind energy are the most important
dependent on any single energy produces less road traffic emissions elements. l
source or supplier. Furthermore, the than in the year 1990. This is primarily
share of fossil energy sources: coal, achieved with large-scale investments
oil and natural gas has already been into renewable fuels.
squeezed down to under 40 percent.
In Finland the share of biofuels is
Finland is the most forested nation already at 22 percent, which is three
in Europe. This gives Finland one times the European average. Finland
of the highest shares of renewable has set a national goal of increasing
energy among European countries. the share of renewable fuels in road
Over 39 percent of our energy is traffic to 30 percent and adding
already renewable and wood is our significantly to the number of
most significant energy source. This is electric cars.
made possible by the Finnish forestry
industry, which has made sure that its Even though progress towards all
side streams, scraps and waste can be other European energy goals seems
cleverly turned into energy. to be underway, the dependence
on energy imports is one challenge
Even though Finnish industries are very Europe has been unable to tackle.
energy-intensive, thanks to modern This also applies to Finland. As is true
technology, the energy efficiency of for the entire EU region, Finland still